These Companies Chose 5 Areas of Digital Marketing to Inspire Their Strategy

What is best for your client and why?

Ralph Alfieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readNov 27, 2023


Formulating a digital marketing strategy for a client is simple; but it’s not easy. What do I mean by that? Well, its simple. All you have to do is get on your keyboard, and type the following statement: “We are going to promote videos, and photos created by owners and clients because it resonates with what the audience wants.” There. Simple. That wasn’t so hard. However, it is really not that easy. An effective digital marketing strategy today is a crucial component to the success and sustainability for businesses and that is why strategizing is simple, but not easy. It is not easy because digital marketing is a broad concept where there appears no right or wrong solution, but rather a most fitting course of action for the business. There are plenty of different tools and approaches to convert into action but it all depends on its translation to the audience and to the brand. Lets see how these 5 digital marketing strategies made the most sense for their respective brands:

Create Targeted Content

Knowing your customers is essential to the content you create. AMEX’s website Open Forum which is now Trends and Insights worked for them because their customers were ones who welcomed articles and posts related to financial news, trends for businesses, tips for marketing, sales, productivity, and cash flow. The result was AMEX’s website becoming a reference for entrepreneurs starting their businesses and growing them. When you generate quality content like AMEX did, you can leverage that by incorporating insights and lessons from industry leaders as content.

User Generated Content

What a more applicable example of brand awareness and public engagement than Airbnb's practice of user generated content. In this example, it makes sense for them because people take pictures of places they visit; around this act is a community of people commenting, recommending, and sharing. For companies looking to stay digitally relevant, examining what type of business they have and how they can incorporate user photo’s and videos through Instagram can prove to be beneficial.

Utilize New Technologies

Domino’s Anyware is not just example of an effective digital marketing strategy because people eat pizza anywhere, anytime but because; wait, actually it is because of that. Adopting new technologies like this helps people order the product in modern times. It is voice-activated, and uses AI to interpret and understand what you want. It worked for Domino’s because their biggest return came from a boost in brand image. I still prefer Pizza Hut Deep Dish.

Omnichannel Marketing

The concept behind omnichannel marketing is basically being wherever your audience is. In the case of retail, creating a shopping experience can be multi faceted. A company might sell on Instagram, but also provide a great user experience on their website. Simultaneously they might also conduct geolocated ads for their retail locations. This is the omnichannel journey. This might entail tutorial videos with direct advertising mixed in, or interactive quizzes that are customized for consumers. Sephora is a great example of a brand that is available everywhere, resulting in high customer loyalty.

Customer Service Focus

Some brands like JetBlue have used Twitter to serve customers better. Using Twitter can cater to the needs and complaints of a brand’s followers, especially when the size of the community is significant enough where timely and sensitive responses can save a brand. They key here is to maintain a balance between promotion and devotion. As more companies transfer their complaint and self service capabilities from the current ways to the AI world, it is best practice to still find ways to welcome users in a human way.

Hope this helps you find inspiration in the work you are doing with your clients!



Ralph Alfieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student at New York University Integrated Marketing