This can’t be easy, but easiness is not why I am here!

Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJan 30, 2022



I am always eager to try new things, and blogging will be my new journey for 2022. I always loved writing, especially when studying Political Sciences in Greece. Back then, we had a lot to prove through our beliefs and ideas about human rights, political issues, international relations, and a lot of them had to be written. But you know…they had to be written in my mother language and not in English. This semester my professor Joanne Tombrakos believed that starting writing a blog will help us navigate Digital Marketing, be more creative, upscale our writing skills, and kick off sharing our ideas and thoughts about marketing issues. At first, I was petrified! But then I thought that this idea might not be bad at all! And why? Because who said that international students are comfortable doing that? And secondly because, who said that I am here for carrying out the “easy” tasks? Thanks to my professor, this year has already started with some undoubtedly striking and very instructive challenges!

Many people are interested in reading blogs because they want to learn something new and intriguing that they aren’t aware of. “The goal,” a lot would say, is to write something that will teach people something that they didn’t know before or at least express a different opinion about a known matter or add a piece of new information about it. So here I am delivering that to you!

How did I end up here?

The first thing I will talk about here is a subject that I am a hundred percent sure you have never heard before, and you will not care enough just yet, but I have to do it. I want to introduce myself, and let’s all pretend that it’s something interesting so that my feelings won’t get hurt as much as I think they will. So my name is Maria Mathioudaki, and I come from Greece. And yes, this is the point where you all start trying to talk to me in Greek with all the Greek words that you have maybe heard before and list a few of your favorite Greek foods that you tried. After we finish this conversation, you will find the closest “Gyro Truck” because you are hungry even thinking about them. Lastly, you will express how much fun you had in Mykonos and Santorini the last time you visited Greece. And I will be like…here we go again! So yes, I come from a big island in Greece called Crete, and I have lived there until I finished my bachelor’s in Political Sciences.

After that, I came to New York because I wanted to follow my dreams and practice diplomacy. I worked in the Greek Consulate and at the United Nations in New York because it was the only profession related to my studies that inspired me enough back then, and I thought this might be my career. But nope! I ended up falling in LOVE with New York and Marketing. Plot twist, right? However, I gained terrific experiences that taught me a lot about negotiation, putting myself out there and speaking my mind about important matters, but most importantly, following my dreams.

What now?

Now I am proud to call myself an NYU student who followed her dreams, trusted her gut feelings, and is looking forward to achieving her next ones, which have to do with her future boring but fascinating and extraordinary adult life. I’m already in my second semester, and I can’t believe that time passed so quickly. This semester my goals are much different from the previous one, and that’s good because If they were the same, that would mean that I remained stagnant. Every day I feel like I am the latest and most improved version of myself, and that’s only because I never feared the unknown and the strange things that I came here to do! This semester, I strive to be more involved in my networking, professional career, and academic career. Of course, I will also start talking to a bigger audience about my ideas because why not? This will help me feel more confident about my opinion instead of keeping it inside the four walls of my fun classroom because, you know, I don’t want to feel like I am depriving this fantastic opportunity of the public! HA HA HA… Okay, enough with my self-mockery humor, jokes aside, I firmly believe that expressing your opinion and writing down your thoughts, deriving from education in conjunction with personal experience, is a win-win situation for the writer and the reader in the attempt of learning and discovering new aspects of ourselves.

Let’s jump on this train and have some fun together!

Talk to you soon,




Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A graduate student at New York University studying Integrated Marketing. Passionate about innovation, strategy, and digital marketing. Welcome to my thoughts!