Try Another Angle

Do you like snacks?

haoran du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMar 13, 2023


I do.

I love a lot of different snacks, Cheetos, Doritos, Lays, and more. I would pay attention to those brands’ advertisements or new campaigns if I see them. Here is something interesting I noticed!

We all can tell this is the campaign from one of my favorite snack brands Doritos. A lot of people’s memory, Doritos are focusing on the Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese flavors for a long time, which are the classic blue and red packaging.

But recently Doritos asked us a question that I think most of us should ask ourselves. Do you want something new?

Are you trying to do something new?

Have you ever getting tired with your life which never change? Do you want to try something new from another angle?

A lot of people are doing the same thing in their lives, if you want to catch the eyes of others, you have to have something new, which led to the new campaign Doritos has “Try Another Angle”. I love this video because it is really fun that Doritos used an interesting story to talk about thinking something new throughout the campaign video, and finally they showed their objective which is the new BBQ flavor of Doritos that I would lovely to try out.

How did they affect audiences?

In my opinion, first of all, they made a great video which is really interesting and have some famouse stars in the video to attract people’s attention, then they put their insight within the video which is people should try something new, which means that customers should try the new flavor of Doritos, this is how they want audiences to do.

They created this video by collaborating with Missy Elliott, Jack Harlow, and Elton John. Which I think is cool, and they posted this video on a lot of different platforms as well, the most effective platform is Super Bowl!

Overall, I think this campaign did a great job attracting audiences’ attention, and showing their ideas clearly to everyone watching the advertisement. Finally, this idea not only works for snacks but also for everyone’s life.

Remember always try another angle!

