Trying To Be Healthy? Eat Some Snacks!

Jiaxuan Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 26, 2023

I know that in most of our minds crisp-like snacks represent junk food that is high in oil and salt. Of course, few people associate snacks with health in any positive way. What is remarkable, however, is that healthy, non-fried snacks are rapidly growing. One of the representative brands in these healthy snacks is RIND Whole Fruit Snacks.

The product of RIND snacks

RIND Snack is a company which makes a line of tangy, chewy and craveable dried fruit snacks focused on the power of the peel. The company was founded in 2017 and is based in New York, New York.

So I clicked on the official website for Fruit Snacks. Then a screen pops up that lets you enter your email address for 15% or less. After I entered my email, the interface let me enter my phone number, and it confirmed that I was not a bot or a program by sending me a text message and asking me to reply.

The text to confirm my identity

Was that easy to sign up? To be honest, I think this whole set of operations was rather tedious. Not only do I had to enter my phone number, but I also had to send an unsolicited text message. Some people who don’t want to give out their phone numbers or text messages will give up on signing up.

After I successfully signed up, I received a welcome email. It began by congratulating me on the 15% discount, followed by introducing me to the company’s features, philosophy, popular products, and links to buy them. It gave me an immediate urge to click the “Shop Now” button.

I signed up last Monday, almost a week to today. There were five messages, including the welcome one. Five times a week seems to me to be about right. It makes me feel the brand’s presence, but it doesn’t bore me.

Is it using email best practices? I don’t think I can make a direct judgment on that. So here’s how I judged it by email best practices:

√ focusing on a single message or CTA on each email (different themes each)

√ designing simple emails, readable at a glance on all platforms and devices

? segmenting audiences (can’t tell this now)

√ using behavior-triggered messaging (welcome letter)

× adding personalization, dynamic content and individualized recommendations (not every personalized)

× including a prominent call to action to forward or share the email.

√ creating content worth the space in your inbox

In the end, I think RIND Snacks met my general expectations when using email marketing. First of all, it establishes a unique connection with me through a dual identity confirmation, which is a little tedious but still leaves me a deeper impression. Secondly, I prefer the frequency and content of emails. Especially in emails that have something to do with the season or the subject matter of the event is timely and interesting. Finally, I think it uses a cyclical strategy. When it realized that I had not used the coupon code in welcome for discount consumption, it sent me an email today reminding me that the coupon code was about to expire and reminding me to seize this once-only opportunity as soon as possible. As a consumer, I’ve experienced a lot of different marketing techniques, but I was intrigued by this email urging.

Of course, RIND Snacks has a lot to improve on, such as personalized emails and audience segmentation. I’m looking forward to it improving itself.



Jiaxuan Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

2022FALL NYU Intergreted Marketing. I am going to blog about marketing. I am also a professional Chinese rapper with my AKA Rapeter.