Was Virtual Reality Only Meant For Game Industry?

Kaiqi Zhou
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readDec 5, 2019

What can be as real as reality itself?

Virtual Reality is a state-of-the-art technology that provides innovative approach to our concept of reality. Only few decades ago we could only experience some things in our real life, but now thanks to VR technology we no longer need to feel something in real life to have a visceral experience.

VR: only games?

Due to the effect of presence or immersion, VR have become very popular nowadays in game industry. In fact, it is controversial, as VR technology can be used anywhere, especially in marketing. For example, it is widely used by a clothing company Uniqlo. Nowadays, online shops are extremely popular and VR allows not going to a physical shop in order to try on some clothes or make an outfit but to do it by means of VR. That is why I think that further generations will immerse in VR and it is a technology that defines our future. It is extremely popular and the companies, who are able to use it, have an edge. I would definitely advise every company to implement it in their working process.

Is VR a miracle?

Personally, I am very interested in developing of such a bleeding-edge technology that can totally change our life. Using only a headset you can explore a new country in virtual reality before you decide to visit it in real life saving a lot of time. One more example, the practice of using VR is really used for dealing with phobias. The point is that you experience the phenomena that cause your insurmountable fear and you learn how to live with it. Such a miracle!

Is everything perfect?

Frankly speaking, I think that VR can be improved, but it nurtures wide debates around the question of its usage. VR helps customers, but it decreases the number of job functions for the companies, as once a person downloads an application which can help him/her to explore a new country, he/she needs less services from travel organizers. I do not think that is a problem, but if so, companies need to transform their way of functioning to catch up with the progress and it is inevitable to be able to meet competition.


Admin. (2019). How virtual reality can help you overcome your phobias? — Virtual Reality Social. Retrieved 5 December 2019,

from https://virtualrealitysocial.com/how-virtual-reality-can-help-you-overcome-your-phobias/

Swaminathan, S. (2019). Where virtual reality could take digital marketing. Retrieved 5 December 2019,

from https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/catalyst/where-virtual-reality-could-take-digital-marketing/article22304920.ece1

