Ways of Making Email Marketing Attractive and Effective

Mimi Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 19, 2020

The article entitled Top 5 Email Marketing Trends to Follow in 2020: Design and Content which was published on the Washington Note website highlights the benefits of email marketing. The article was published by Lana Vrz on July 13, 2020. Email marketing is described as the conveyance of commercial messages to a target group of people or institutions who are current or prospective customers. The messages are sent via email and contain detailed information about intent to do business with the recipients through selling or buying of products or even nailing business deals. The author outlines the five different trends that designers of email marketing messages should take into consideration for effectiveness to be achieved.

Accelerated Mobile Page in Email Marketing

Email marketing forms the backbone of home online marketing and a source of major business opportunities. Firms are encouraged to take advantage of the Accelerated Mobile Page or AMP to increase the speed of sending email marketing messages on to clients. Mobile phones are crucial tools that all customers use to get email notification thereby making efficiency and ease of use desirable for strategic marketing teams of companies (Vrz). The use of AMP in email marketing leads to better interaction with clients thereby addressing their concerns about products on time.

3D and Isometric email messages

The theme or background of the messages should also be finetuned to meet the current trend. The dark mode is deemed to be the “trendiest” on mobile phone messages and thus the strategic marketing teams have the obligation to design the messages that attract the clients when they view them on their phones or laptops (Jenkins). The author also emphasizes the use of 3D messages in order to improve the way clients to gain interest in the messages and glean full information from all the email messages sent from the firms. The isometric designing of emails for marketing purposes makes them strong and reliable in achieving the main objective of the message being relayed to the target customers.

Email marketing is critical because tailormade messages can be delivered to customers in a private manner. The mass messaging can also be utilized well in email marketing so that a majority of the client base gets the right information in a timely manner so that new information about the products are disseminated in a well-designed emailing platform for growth and development to be realized in the long run.

Opinion on Email Marketing

Email marketing has become instrumental in assisting businesses in sending mass advertisement messages to current and prospective clients. There is a growing opinion that the designing of email messages should conform to the new trends so that clients are motivated to read them whenever they hit their inboxes. The use of trendy designs such as isometric images, 3D images that tend to improve engagement, and use of AMP technology in mobile messages cannot be taken for granted by strategic marketing teams because they form the backbone of modern day’s competitive and dynamic marketing initiatives (Jenkins). Companies that upgrade their email marketing strategies and designs are bound to succeed in all aspects of their outreach to clients who later become loyal to the quality products that are being offered for sale. The firms’ managers have an obligation to gain more clients and market the products via email through concerted efforts that are consistent and reliable so that the market share can grow over time.

