Web3 the latest untapped frontier

The emergence of Web3, that introduces the idea of a World Wide Web based on blockchain technology and decentralization, has both corporations and individuals pondering over the endless possibilities that could potentially come along with it. Will it completely revolutionize the world? or simply serve as a buzzword like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey have argued over and defined recently? One thing is certain, you don’t want to be left out if this idea in fact explodes. So why not dip you toes in the water a little bit?

NFT Infographic by Rodrigo Hernandez

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me” — Batman Begins.



Rodrigo Hernandez
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Mexican Entrepreneur currently living in New York City. MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU. Interested in sports and living life to the fullest.