Welcome to my blog!

Xuanyu Meng
Marketing in the Age of Digital
1 min readFeb 28, 2020

Hey everyone! I’m Xuanyu Meng but you can call me Steve. I am in my first year at NYU. I’m taking up Integrated Marketing (IM). To be honest, this is my first time working on a blog so I’m still unfamiliar with how I should go about writing a post. Should I write it as I would an essay? Should I use formal language? Informal language? I’m still figuring out what would work for me and I’m a little worried but also excited about doing something I haven’t done before.

Over the next weeks, I will be actively participating on this blog. I’ll try my best to write about upcoming future marketing topics and issues critically while also expressing my opinion. I hope to offer a fresh or unique perspective on various marketing topics and also apply what I have learned so far since the last semester on marketing and communications.



Xuanyu Meng
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Integrated Marketing student at NYU here! In this blog, I’ll write about marketing ideas, concepts, and issues.