Welcome to my blog: A newcomer in digital marketing

Kara Huang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMay 30, 2021

How do you feel when posting your first blog? Creating a blog is a completely new thing to me. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with others and interacting with people with different opinions and backgrounds. I find it especially intriguing to learn about how people from different cultures perceive the world. First, let’s get to know me.

Some facts about me.

I’m Kara, a girl who grew up in Shenzhen, China. I received my undergraduate degree from King’s College London, where I found my passion in public relations and expected to start a career in nonprofit. My long-term goal is to make a positive difference in the field of PR. In the spare time, I’m an amateur skateboarder who also enjoys watching plays and musicals. In 2018, I had my first internship in Ogilvy Beijing. This internship offered me the opportunity to independently design a marketing scheme focusing on health education and prevention of pneumonia in children among eight domestic cities.

In this blog, I will be posting about my perspectives on marketing as a Gen-Zer. I consider digital marketing as a dynamic industry with challenges and opportunities for growth. I find it attractive that everything in this field changes quickly and every day is different. I enjoy searching for new ideas and staying up to date. Discovering that passion is what motivates me to dig deeper into marketing. As a cerebral person who usually pay attention to details, planning ahead and keeping my life organized are extremely fulfilling for me. I like meeting new people and finding inspiration in conversations with them. It makes each day worthwhile when I’m able to use my knowledge and skills to help others achieve their communication goals.

The importance of PR today: Public Relations as a marketing tool.

For consumer-centered companies, integrating PR into the marketing mix can contribute to a bigger success. PR provides the flexibility to deliver messages and communications solutions beyond advertising, paid, sponsored or branded content. In addition, PR plays an active role in identifying news/media trends that can be leveraged to achieve the communication goals. A clear understanding of brand positioning and consumer insights can bring ideas to the brand that enhance brand equity. As PR has become a central part of integrated marketing, I believe taking this course will be helpful in pursuing my career in the PR & marketing field.

More blogs coming soon.

