Welcome To My Blooming Blog Adventure!

Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 6, 2023

Hi there, welcome to my blog. I will be taking you on a fun journey through the colorful world of marketing!

I am Aliyya, a 23-year-old marketing enthusiast from Jakarta, Indonesia and currently chasing my dreams in the bustling city of New York while pursuing my master’s degree in Integrated Marketing at New York University.

Picture this; a young entrepreneur, that’s me! Back in 2016 since my high school days, I’ve been running an online flower arranging business with my best friend. We brought joy to people’s lives by selling our exquisite flower arrangements! It was during this flower adventure that my fascination with digital marketing and social media was truly blossoming. Little did I know, this entrepreneurial experience lead to my passion for the power of marketing to reach and connect with a wider audience.

Flower Arrangements

Well, here’s a twist in my story. I actually started off as an accounting major at the University of Indonesia and worked as an auditor at an accounting firm after I graduated. While I work from 9 to 5, I realized that my side job in flower arranging was my refreshing escape amidst the hectic workload. After one year of work, I decided to resign and pursue my dream to further my education in the marketing program at NYU.

I’m not saying that accounting isn’t fun, but I always knew in my heart that my passion lay in the creative and ever-changing world of marketing. That’s when I took a leap of faith, changed my major to follow my dreams and explore the endless exciting journey in this field.

May 2023

And that brings us here! In this blog, I will share my insights, thoughts, and experiences about all things marketing from digital marketing to the art of storytelling and branding! Thank you for joining me on this blooming adventure. We will discover the possibilities that marketing has to offer. I promise it will be fun!

With flower-filled regards,




Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student at NYU | Flower Designer | Marketing Enthusiast