Welcome to The League of Doritos

haoran du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readApr 28, 2023

I am not sure about you, but as long as I saw this campaign, I feel excited. The most important reason is that I am a huge fan of League of Legends.

League of Legends is one of the most popular pc games around the world with more than 100 million monthly players even right now. Especially in China, League of Legends has about 75 million monthly players. This is a huge fan base! Also, the majority of players of pc games are young teenagers who are also the target customers of Doritos.

Doritos caught this chance and decided to sponsor the China LOL Pro League. Doritos made a campaign in 2018 called Beating the Unbeatable. This campaign provided all the customers of Doritos a chance to beat Faker, the Michael Jordan of League of Legends.

Customers can register through the QR code on the package of Doritos and finally have the chance to challenge Faker. The final stage of this challenge is on the Great Wall, and it was also live streaming on the most famous livestream platform in China called DouYu. Finally, Doritos got 1.2 billion impressions and 220 million discussions about this campaign, reached 450% media ROI, and they grew their sales by 23%!

This is intrigued me that this brand caught the chance to collaborate with one of the most popular games in China to attract more and more young customers, and the result proved that it worked perfectly. This campaign brought tons of customers to Doritos, and also it increased the brand awareness of Doritos a lot in the China market.

I will say that this trend would finally fade due to the changing of times because the heat of League of Legends is declining, we can tell from the data that after 2018 the growth rate of players for each year is slowing down, so finally the trend will fade as well, but this is not a problem, the market is always changing, only a company can have the open eyesight to catch up the latest trend can finally stay in the market as long as they want!

