What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence for the marketing field?

Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
1 min readNov 21, 2021

Now the use of artificial intelligence has entered people’s lives. It helps people’s lives become more convenient, saves decision-making time, and solves life problems. At the same time, it also brought some negative effects, which caused many people to distrust artificial intelligence.

For marketers, artificial intelligence has changed many digital marketing strategies. Marketers like to use artificial intelligence to provide services, it replaces human one-to-one services. It helps companies save labor costs and also attracts many potential consumers. Currently, the most popular tools for marketers are: artificial intelligence chatbots, email marketing, intelligent advertising display, and so on.

At the same time, there are also some negative marketers who believe that artificial intelligence still has many shortcomings. For example, algorithms and predictions are not very accurate, whether data is collected in large quantities, and artificial intelligence is still unable to predict the true emotions of humans. Therefore, marketers need to use artificial intelligence carefully for marketing strategies.

Rachel Dong - Creator



Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A Chinese girl studies in NYC, love marketing and love creative thinking.