Yunjing Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 19, 2021


What does “Google 3rd Party Tracking Cookie Ban” mean?

Source: Google

What are third party tracking cookies? — Cookies are tracked by websites other than the one you are currently visiting, the most common third-party entities are advertisers, marketers, and social media platforms.

What are third party cookies used for? — Third-party cookie is placed on a website by someone other than the owner and collects users data, as the third-party cookies are placed so that a site can remember something about the user at a later time.

For Marketers, using tracking cookies can able marketers to track a user across multiple websites, it is more easier to identify what the user did after they visited your site and it is helpful for marketing research and get marketing campaigns’ data and results.

For customers, the third party cookies help to provide us a better user experiences such as the cookies enable the browser to remember important information: username and passwords, language preferences, gets my location and serve me the relevant information for my area. However, many consumers feel their privacy is being invaded while the cookie tracked them and interpreted the interest in something from the surfing history.

What does Google’s announcement about third party cookies mean?

For customers, we feel more safe about our privacy as the third-party cookie won’t being track my data, especially my important personal information. It is sure that this will make it harder for marketers to track users across the web, it might cost more money and time to get users’ information, so the marketers need to change their approach of targeting customers. Without third party cookies, the first-party cookies might become the main approach to collect customers’ information, it is more important to be able to establish confidential relationship with customer, company can start build your own customer database which can provide the company with the customers’ information, company should increase their contact with customers which will help company to keep and remain their current consumers such as email marketing, company can launch more marketing campaign to attract more customers.

Obviously, under the existing technical conditions, Google’s suspension of support for third-party cookies is likely to have a huge impact on its own business and the entire advertising industry. Some Google supporters believe that, at the expense of profits, giving up tracking user information is a huge effort made by Google to maintain user privacy, and it is a manifestation of its responsibility. Other views believe that Google’s move is actually just a reshuffle of the industry it dominates, with the purpose of further consolidating its position in online advertising. If Google bans the use of cookies, all links in the advertising industry chain will be affected. On the one hand, it may affect the accuracy of its own advertising to consumers, thereby reducing its income as an advertising publisher. On the other hand, it may also affect the quality of third-party services it provides, thereby reducing its revenue as an advertising technology provider. There are many kinds of advertising provided by Google, the most important of which is search advertising. According to Google’s financial report, its search advertising revenue in 2020 reached 104.1 billion US dollars, accounting for 70% of total advertising revenue(Google financial report). So The effect of Google’s disabling of third-party cookies on Google’s advertising revenue is generally controllable.

