What Marketers Should Focus on During Covid?

Zeyu Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 25, 2021

Marketers must strive to redefine the digital consumer experience in a way that celebrates empathy and creativity as the COVID-19 global pandemic progresses. This period has taught us that a human-centered approach to digital marketing is more critical than ever. As marketers, we must take on the characteristics of the people. We’re trying to attract. That means being compassionate, resourceful, innovative, and, above all, human. In the post-COVID-19 age, brands that take the time to recognize this “new standard” and adopt an agile and authentic voice will undoubtedly gain a position of relevance.

Marketers should no longer unintentionally push content and advertisements at people we hope will buy them. People can see right through sales gimmicks, particularly during a pandemic when priorities can change and what’s really important is more prominent than ever. According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of your loyal customer database generates 80% of your sales. If COVID-19 has significantly decreased your profits or forced you to temporarily shut your doors, it will be your loyal customers that will keep your company thriving long after the end of any foreign pandemic. Here are a few places where one can improve your customer service right now.

· Content marketing

· Paid advertisement

· Social media marketing

· Email marketing

· Offer Discounts

Content Marketing and Covid

Answering questions is what content marketing is all about. But that doesn’t mean you should be the go-to source for COVID-19 information. If you expect shipping and delivery times to be delayed, or you want to communicate how you’re keeping your customers and employees secure, provide important information to your customers.

Paid Ads During Covid

To save money, brands are reducing their paid ads. However, the flip side of the coin is that when we emerge from this, your brand may have been forgotten. As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.”

Keep the paid ads going if you can afford it, and find ways to budget instead of terminating the service completely. Moving away from conversion-focused advertisements and toward brand marketing is something you can think about. Rather than saying, “Buy this blender,” the message now emphasizes expressing your identity and values.

Social Media Marketing:

In a good day, social media can be unpredictable, so tread carefully but tread you must. You should be on social media right now if you don’t already have one. You’ll need to (responsibly) take advantage of all your organic opportunities, particularly if you find yourself trying to cut back on ad spend. When it’s necessary, participate in the discussion. Start a dialogue, interact with the group, and make amends with disgruntled customers. Also, try to be understanding to people who may have a shorter fuse than others.

Email Marketing:

It’s no secret that keeping in touch with the customers is critical to their retention. Even, correspondence is a fine art, and one of the undisputed kings of communications is email marketing. It attracts consumers’ attention to the store’s social media platforms, and the number of possible touch points and improving their customer relationships.

Offer Discounts

Price-conscious shoppers will be searching for such bargains as the situation progresses and instead descends into what may be an economic slump.

Discounts will help you attract new customers, strengthen existing customer loyalty, increase traffic to your site, and increase sales.

