What type of bread am I?

The Fascinate Test

Alicia Garcia
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readOct 3, 2021


How often have we done a Facebook/BuzzFeed test about what color defines our personality, princesses, or type of bread most describe us? For example, I'm Challah type of bread (sweet and edgy.) No matter how ridiculous the test or headline, you have always done it because it is fun. That is why I found it strange when I realized I was dreading answering questions about myself. What did I didn't want to know? It was a journey learning how I fascinate others.

So, I decided to get over with it and start the quiz. Most to my impression, it went so fast, there was nothing to write, and the questions were simple, what best described you. It was fun. But what surprised me the most was the answers. I have always believed I am shy, wittier than sassy, and I have been told I have a flair for the dramatic. LOL. I felt it took me time to open up to other people to see the real me or even my "value."


So, what was my archetype?

I am "THE CATALYST." Out-of-the-box, social, energizing. I am, according to this test, driven first by Passion then by Innovation. According to this test, and everyone I have told to read my responses claims it's true. So weird to think that I will give a vibrant first impression (probably because I tend to talk too much). Buoyant and social, I had to google buoyant. I have always believed that I am adaptable to new situations and keep myself cheerful in negative/downwards cases.

My most high and best values of being categorized as a catalyst that resonates within myself are that I have always try to create opportunities for myself, making a change in my life and reactions, and how others will benefit from those opportunities. Along with the primary Passion Advantage, I get more involved and contribute more while my emotions are involved. I have always felt I am a secondary actor in my life, not the primary, so the test saying that I shine in the spotlight does not resonate with me. However, I find it true that I always seek more oriented careers to match my personality. My grandmother used to tell me that my energy feeds from others' energy and that I always needed to be careful with whom I spent my time. This test said that I feed off the energy in a room. This sentence makes me feel different about how I think about my impression of people.

I have always felt that working on a 9 to 5 job sitting behind a desk working numbers has repressed my creative spirit. This test confirms that I'm not too fond of repetitive or linear tasks. I want to create, be different, think of ways to make a positive outcome, and fix problems by thinking outside the box. I am always my best when I add my emotions, imaginative and creative side to my projects.

Passionate with a hint of Innovation

The Catalyst and The Mystique

My primary advantage was Passion. I have always felt passionate about things I love. About relationships, books, photography, about learning. I believe I am enthusiastic, but I didn't feel my enthusiasm could energize or make my co-workers feel at ease.

My secondary advantage was Innovation, along with being an out-of-the-box thinker. I always want to drive the undriven path, search for new things, and be different. I do not sit well with boresome routines. I need challenges in my life or to make a change. This is something that the test got right about how I feel about myself. I wouldn't say I like to settle for steady; I always want to search for new opportunities and be top of things. I don't like to feel stuck. I will always try to find a solution to my problems, to challenges.

My dormant Advantage was Mystique. Likely not to make an impact. But I am self-sufficient, mindful, and independent.

Personal Brand

This test proved me wrong on every level. First, it was one of the most exciting tests I have taken due to the results. I do not regret it. Secondly, it showed me how others perceive me and made me feel I should own more about myself. I knew I was someone creative, passionate, but I learned 80% of new descriptors. I create robust and immediate emotional connections who can communicate expressively with humor and an attractive sense of professional interaction. I have never felt I inspire people, but the test reminded me that I could inspire. I can use that voice to advocate for my beliefs that I add value with my transparent style and open book personality, with which I agree. I add value by understanding ideas and respecting others' feelings. I will also embrace any new opportunity for change and explore new things, a creative and adventurer spirit, someone witty, and something I did not believe before, a visionary. My curiosity will not kill this cat; it will create new options, challenges, and opportunities and solve whatever problems or situations come my way.

Karina is Out-of-the-box creative innovator.



Alicia Garcia
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Welcome! Hola! Here to blog about life and marketing. NYU Grad Student. Photography enthusiast. Book-lover, Bibliophagist.