What would happen if my roommate “Alexa” loses her voice? I love you Amazon!

Paloma Huby
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readSep 21, 2019

NO WAY! OR…WAY!…WAIT! IT’S AMAZON RIGHT? Now, I wonder why it deserved a standing ovation for this commercial… I would just like to say: “WOOOOW!”. What a great ad! I would have to admit that it’s one of my favorite ads… but..why? I’ll let you know what caught my attention…

What caught my attention?


So, first, I’d like to say that this advertisement was made because Amazon saw a threat in Google which also launched “Google Home” (Alexa’s competition) and was doing great in sales and revenue, therefore Amazon looked for an opportunity to make “Alexa” more fun, humoristic and trendy, since this is what Millennials and Generation Z are seeking in a product and brand.

Definitely the most engaging item from the commercial was that Amazon brougt together several artists such as Cardi B or Anthony Hopkins to make the scenes from the ad, even more funny and innovative. However, I really think was a great marketing decision and strategy was to use Jeff Bezos (the CEO from Amazon and wealthiest person in human history) face and personality into a character in the same campaign.

How did the engagement work?

I would have to say that what really happened with this strategy is that the commercial totally pulled me in the story and made me part of it. I’m a “Alexa” lover, I actually own a Amazon Echo dot so I keep having all of these great conversations and requirements to Alexa of music, weather or news (I’m pretty basic!).

It was amazing how the commercial is focused in people that are Alexa’s users because they made us part of the situation because I wouldn’t know what to do if Alexa loses her voice! I would totally freak out… I actually sometimes have problems with the Echo dot because occasionally the speaker is not properly connected to my phone and when that happens, I even fight with Alexa, it’s extremely funny… some of my friends tell me: “You and Alexa are like roommates”, therefore I will totally feel lost without Alexa and she IS IRREPLACEABLE!

This story was made for everyone:

This story was great not only because they used a humoristic strategy and brought several artists and famous people, but also because they could tell a story that happens to us in our daily basis, and even if someone has never used Alexa, they made those people, a new target and audience since it gave them curiosity of “why everyone likes or depends on Alexa’s voice and personality”.

Amazon created brand awareness with this type of campaign, in order to attract people from every age since they used characters such as Anthony Hopkins in his role in Hannibal or Cardi B singing her new songs, or even Rebel Wilson which is the funniest actress nowadays! They wanted to engage every audience that could relate to those artists.

Successful results and conclusion!

The commercial had an earned sharing of 47 million views and went viral as it was expected, it was considered as the highest rated/popular ad in the Superbowl of 2018. Their digital content engagement increased… guess what… IN 225%! It was crazy… so, yeah! Hiring actors and actresses and the fact that they showed in a commercial the CEO, Jeff Bezos, was a completely successful strategy.

This was a shareable content because they caught everyone’s attention, people from every age could relate with each artist’s personality and also with every situation that they showed. Amazon actually doesn’t care much about sales, even though they did great in the campaign and were the number 1 ad in 2018, what they want is that keep to be the first brand in the top of mind in their customers and new audience, they just want to keep being their favorite love brand.








Paloma Huby
Marketing in the Age of Digital

I’m a peruvian lawyer with aspirations to keep growing as a marketer and sales professional. I'm constantly chasing for new beginnings and challenges!