What’s good and What’s not about big data?

Meng Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 16, 2021

Do you know what is big data? If you ask the question to people, they would answer that big data is numerical data that companies, agencies, and governments collect from people and the internet to do analysis. However, according to SAS, big data refers to data that is so large, fast, or complex that it’s difficult or impossible to process using traditional methods. We can see that people understand the use of big data but do not know the meaning behind the term.

Is it GOOD?

After people stepped into the 21st century, big data started to be draw attention. Companies and agencies found that big data could help them to analyze the market and customers in order to produce more profit. Especially recent years, companies like Facebook, Amazon, and YouTube, collect data from customers and try to catch customers’ preferences on their websites for getting their loyalty and keeping them stay as long as possible. Big data is not only helping companies but also creates convenience for people. For example, Alipay and WeChat Pay, collect people’s facial data and when people want to make a payment, they scan the QR code and just raise their phones in front of their faces, and then the camera start to scan the face. If the scanned face matches the face that is stored in the data, then the payment will be succussed. Facial scanned payment is safer than password payment because it is easy for people to peep your password but no one can easily copy a live face. This is the very little part that big data can create good for us.

Is it BAD?

Everything has a bad aspect because nothing is perfect in the world and the bad is always amplified. Since big data is part of human life, privacy becomes a huge problem. Companies want to make profit maximization, they start to collect data without the user allowance which is illegal. For example, people found that apps are listening to your conversation because after the conversation the app will show what you have talked about. Many companies denied it but it happens to users. Privacy is a very important matter and no one wants to be a “naked” person on the internet. Another problem is hacking and it usually happens in financial groups. Hackers break the security and steal customers’ data. This can cause a huge problem to a financial group and in the worst case, it can cause the bankruptcy of a financial group.

How do you see it?

As I said, everything cannot be perfect and they all have good and bad aspects. For the user of big data, whether it is good or bad, it depends on how you use it and for customers of the user of big data, whether it is good or bad, it depends on how you evaluate the benefit or the loss that the big data creates.

