What’s More Fascinating than the Good Citizen

Anna Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 13, 2021

How well do you know yourself?

What do others think of me?

These might be the questions each of us often ask ourselves. I am not any different. If you read my first blog, you probably already have some ideas about me. I’ve been working since I was 16. Year after year, I was so dedicated to my work. It doesn’t matter if I was a barista or a sales manager, I enjoy them both very much. Recently, I’ve decided to approach for higher education to recharge myself and to seek for answers. Along this journey, my goal is to become more experienced in my field and create more stories. Because these stories make who I am. While being on this journey, it made me wonder and re-evaluate myself and also learn about other’s perspectives of me.

During our Digital Marketing class, our professor introduced THE FASCINATE TEST by Sally Hogshead to us. Since I really wanted to know how others think of me there’s no doubt, I took the test and here’s what the assessment says about me.

My archetype is The Good Citizen. My first thought was, OH! It sounds quite positive. The three adjectives that describes how the world sees me includes

1. Principled

2. Prepared

3. Conscientious

While growing up, I was raised to always make sure we are handling things based on principles. It is a very important element to have because you need to know the limit and when to set boundaries, and most importantly know what’s right thing to do and the right call to make. Everything should have a guideline to follow. Well, being raised this way also helped me apply these good habits to work. I often set principles and make sure it is followed.

Being prepared is something very important to me as well, I have always tried to be prepared for everything I am involved in or assigned to. Being prepared is a very important, it is the key to a successful outcome, it makes you a trustworthy person. People feel confident and safe to rely on you.

The last word that describes me is also pretty accurate. I often wish to do the right thing; I like to be reliable and conscientious because I care about how others see me and the quality of my work.

My primary advantage is TRUST and my secondary advantage is ALERT! I really like these advantages and it is pretty true to who I am. What I liked the most about this test it’s that it is very fair and on point. It tells what you are good at and it also gives you some tips on how to improve and make yourself better. People are often happy to hear compliments but avoid criticism but how can you improve and grow if you are not listening to the voice of others? It is very normal that I am often on the reserved side when I first meet someone. I try to limit emotions and stay on the rational side. If I am able to balance being rational and being emotional, I am sure I can apply to work and have better working experience or results working with the team. Overall, I feel that this test was very accurate, and I encourage you to try it out yourself!



Anna Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Creative Marketer, MS’ 22 Integrated Marketing student & Grad Student Council - Social Media Chair @ NYU SPS. I love pets, travel, food, and wine!