when newsjacking takes to the sky

Xinnan Yan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 12, 2022

Please don’t panic, it’s newsjacking

In case anyone has missed it — last month is pride month when we all come together and celebrate for the LGBTQ+ group. At the same time, it’s also time for the NBA finals It is a great time for marketers to get exposure and show support on the brand's behalf to gain marketing presents. One example is JetBlue Airlines.

Newsjacking requires a few key points: first, it needs to be a big event that will grab many people’s attention. Second, it needs to be timely, speed is the key, preferably just after the event breakout so you can use the public attraction to gain traction on your campaign, this requires having a strategy on the fly. The third is to make sure don’t overwork it, you want it to be in the hot spot but not become spam.

Boston is one of the major operating bases for JetBlue, during the NBA finals, they have painted one of their flights green to pay tribute to the Boston Celtics team, the tweet is sent out on the night of the first game, and it was effective at least for the northeast/Celtics fans, but just like any other sporting event, when you support one team, the fans for another team will naturally being fed up about it. But I think for JetBlue it is a good and effective way to do this since the majority of the operation base is located on the east coast.

and even after the final loss to the golden state warriors, JetBlue kept to its spirit and keep supporting the Celtics.

and just like the start of this blog, June is also the pride month, so of course, JetBlue has jumped on the pride celebration first thing in the morning on the first day of June. both of the newsjacking is well-timed, with good channel delivery and the use of hashtags. so in my view, it is effective newsjacking with benefits for the public image of the brand.



Xinnan Yan
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A mechanical engineer that has more interest in racing/marketing/designing than actual engineering