Where Do You Want To Publish It?

Aubrey Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 17, 2021
Take In a Box

Three days ago, Spotify released a new ad campaign. In the video, two people have a small, square machine with the Spotify logo. This little machine will pop up random cards with keywords of music and questions. Spotify originally published this video on Youtube's Spotify channel, and this video also has accurate captions for hard-of-hearing people. Youtube is one of the most popular video sites, and it has more than one billion monthly users. The operation of a platform depends on the diversity of the platform and the quality of the content.

The Internet Changes Everything, So the Social Media

The public accepted the Internet in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But at that time, there was very little content that people could find on the Internet. In the early days of the Internet, people thought it would bring changes to their lives, but they didn't realize that it was a massive revolution that would change the quality of people's lives.

Some of the common social platforms nowadays are the following:

Common Social Media Platforms

In this graphic, most of the social networking sites and platforms are being used by many people. Each of the websites and applications makes it easy for people to find the information they need. For example, if you are looking for some graphic design ideas, Pinterest is a good choice, with a large selection of images for you to choose from it.

Social media sites and applications have influenced people and even made people dependent and addicted to them. People cannot live without electronic or smart devices, and even believe that they cannot bear one day without the Internet. Some people even believe that a day without access to the Internet or social media will create FOMO — fear of missing out.

"I need to find what I want."

Point A to Point B

How to correctly define the keywords of a product or website on the Internet also directly influences its exposure rate and click rate. For example, for a female child's bike, the search terms would be something like this: child, kids, toddler, girls, bike, outdoor, beginners, training, hand breaks, even protective gear - because it creates more traffic for the product.

Ambiguous keywords will make the website and product click rate decline, and less exposure will also make the product in the search engine ranking decline, which will directly affect the sales rate. So in setting the search keywords must be carefully selected, try to use all the related keywords the site or product-related when people are searching.

"I care more about the design of this website."

Web Design

After setting the suitable keywords for the website or product, when people click on the webpage, the website's design directly affects people's first impression and opinion of the website. A clear and easy-to-navigate page is the key. Too much irrelevant content can annoy people and cause them to close the page to find the next site. Consumers will use their aesthetic taste to judge whether a website is good or bad or a legitimate website. Arranged product categories will allow consumers to quickly locate the information they are looking for and make the page clean and tidy.

I believe that frequent pop-up banner ads are torture for most people. Some of the more outrageous sites even have a new banner ad pop up after you close one. Too many ads on a web page will be perceived as unreliable or not legitimate. If you really need to put pop-up ads on your website, try to put them on the side and avoid blocking the content.

"I rejected them to collect my cache."

Privacy is Important

Website privacy is always a topic of concern. Some people believe that the collection of their personal data by websites brings convenience to their lives. After the information is collected and analyzed, people will receive the relevant types of ads or content they have searched for before. When you try to find engagement rings in the search engine, the data will analyze that you are a person who is going to get married. There is a great possibility that other sites will recommend wedding dresses and other items needed for the wedding.

However, more people believe that collecting personal information from them is unacceptable or even a creepy action. These people believe that privacy is vital, and they do their best to protect their privacy on the Internet. Still, for the Internet, all information is almost transparent and open to everyone. By reading the privacy policy and installing ads-blocker and tracking blockers could avoid the website collecting your data. If you have tried the above methods and still feel uneasy, you can use VPN(virtual private network) to hide your IP address.

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Originally published at Medium@Aubrey Wang on October 17th, 2021.



Aubrey Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student@NYU M.S in Integrated Marketing, storyteller, creator, future marketer