Who am I really?

Reeds Qi Shuai
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readSep 27, 2020

This is probably the one question that gets asked the most, and it is also the question of which the answer is constantly changing and evolving.

The Fascinate Test

To be honest, I am crazy about all kinds of psychoanalysis and personality tests, and I would always discover new things about myself everytime I do a test.

However, the Fascinate Test is a little different. It is a very thorough test, from which I not only get to understand myself better, but also get to see how other people are doing from a broad perspective. Hence, it was a more strategic way of seeing myself in comparison with others. Another reason that I really like about this Fascinate Test is that it gives so many detailes in terms of analysis as well as guidance on both life and career along with many related resources from which I can benefit. Besides, the report is super encouraging and positive — who doesn’t like compliments haha?

Who am I and how do people see me?

Screenshot of my Fascinate Test report

The Rockstar archetype? NO WAY… Never thought about matching this word with myself !

However, when I read on further, this is so accurate and actually reconfirms my sefl-evaluation — innovation and passion are indeed the two characteristics that I feel most confident about. I love looking things from their positive sides, and am willing to take risks, which also means I do not like following too many rules. And sometimes I can get overly stubborn on this. This reconfirmation of self identity made me feel better about myself since I know that I am already on the right track; and there is so much value and potential in my personality, which I can leverage and push for sucsess in life and career.

Fascination: Great marketing strategy!

From a marketers’s point of view, I think the various tests offered by Fascination are actually an open door that draws people in as well as an effective step to build up trust with the users. It gives people a lot of useful information for free and also generously provide related resources to help people become their better selves. Once this step is achieved, a rather solid foundation and some loyalty are established, and people will be more likely to consider Fscination in the future since it has “known” them so well through the tests. Therefore, this is a very genuine and natural relationship with the users.

