Who is doing wrong, social media or people?

Meng Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMar 21, 2021

If people propose to break big-tech companies like Facebook up, have people ever thought about the reason why? Does it can really solve the problem that social media’s negative disruption in society? I organized two main reasons that why people want to break up companies like Facebook. The first reason is big social media companies have dominated the market; the second reason is social media change the way that people live.

The 1st Reason

Let’s say if you were the founder and CEO of Facebook, how would you do in order to be a success in the market? This question is open to anyone in the world. Would you follow the same path as what Facebook has done? I think most people will answer yes because there are not any other ways to be a “Boss” in the market. This is competition, right? Also, there is a phase in China, it is called the law of jungle “弱肉强食”. A strong predator must seize the weak ones for living and being stronger, and for eliminating the potential threat. So I do not think what Facebook has done was wrong because Zuckerberg just follows the law of nature and helps him and his company to the strongest in the world.

The 2nd Reason

Let’s talk about the second reason. If you think social media has created a negative disruption in society, can you provide some examples? People would say that social media spreads hate speeches, misleading information and changes the way of election. However, have you ever thought of who is spreading these and who are doing these? Is that really a big social media group? Can social media groups spread or do these by themselves? I think the answer is people. People are spreading or doing these on social media, right? A social media is just an intermediary agent to help you to do what you want to show to others. It is true that social media has changed people, but we cannot read the “change” as its original meaning, it means expansion. Social media just helps to expand human nature.

Do you agree that…

It is common that people would rather look for problems from others than from themselves. People hate to see others succeed but like to talk mistakes on others. However, they rarely think of a problem for themselves.

