Who needs Scotch when there is Gin-A journey into Botanist Experience

Divya Gangadharan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
6 min readOct 10, 2021
Vesper Martini: A James Bond classic

After almost two years of being couped up, our family decided to go to the Bahamas this summer and chose to splurge a little. While sun and sand were on the list, we wanted to know how the rich and famous did it, so we decided to stay at the Four Seasons Ocean Club, the one from the Bond movie and a frequent celebrity spot. So when we were there, we didn't want to miss ordering a Vesper Martini, shaken, not stirred, of course, and the bartender suggested that we try a new Gin that's been attracting rave reviews from chefs and top bartenders worldwide. The Botanist, he told us, came from the same Scottish Islay made famous by their peaty whiskeys like Lagavulin, Bowmore, and Laphroaig. Now, those we knew from a tour of Scotland we did many years ago. But, a Gin, from an area known for its whiskey, that caught my intrigue.

Interactive Storytelling

I decided to look up the Botanist, expecting an e-commerce experience with multiple bottles and prices listed, like you would with many popular scotch brands. But this was different. They wanted to tell a story! First, they make it easy to get in; unlike many others, they ask you to acknowledge that you are over 21. The main page renders a movie experience, a tad bit long at 3:43, but the visual is captivating and takes you to a different land that you don't really mind.

The Islay sits on the west coast of Scotland and experiences everything the Atlantic has to offer weather-wise. With a voice-over, the visuals capture the whole process of gin making, from foraging 22 botanicals local to the region to the small-batch process, handcrafted under the intimate supervision of a master brewer. The main movie and associated visuals create a strong brand association with this part of Scotland. Outside of the film, most visuals are panoramic in nature, and best rendered on a larger screen, although they have done an excellent job with the mobile experience as well.

Botanist mobile experience

The embedded text is minimalistic, does not distract from the visual, and focuses on crucial aspects like the responsible foraging culture, the mix of flavors, and the small-batch process.


The e-commerce section is distinct and right after the main movie, but you cannot purchase directly from them if you are in the US. There is an excellent section on cocktail ideas that will keep bringing me back.

Aesthetics: Appearance is everything

Aesthetics are components that make the website appealing to the eye. The Botanist website is aesthetically pleasing. The clean and neutral color scheme with visuals of the foraged botanicals promotes the brand story of the intimate relationship with nature. As I scroll further down, I like that visuals of different colors separate the sections. You can tell you are at a new section of the site with bold titles like "The Botanist cocktails', "Foraging was once a way of life for everyone." As I hover my mouse on each section, I am directed to specific pages. I felt that the navigation was well organized and made it easier to browse the different sections as I tried to deep dive into the 'Botanist cocktails.'

Providing the side navigation categories, footer navigation links, and the search function makes it utterly seamless for users to move around the site no matter where they start. I also liked that the website was consistent, helping me go back and forth from one page to another. Also, when I clicked to navigate to a new page like to find a new cocktail recipe, the page delivered a continuous and consistent message. The use of white spaces in the design gives the content more breath and allows the visitor to focus on what's important.

Usability or user friendly

Usability is the art of making the website simple, user-friendly, and easy to use. Looking at the website from the usability lenses, the performance is good -though the website contains dozens of videos and pictures, it still loads quickly. The use of minimal words and more visual content makes it easier to scan and read the website.

Botanist: Discover a taste of the wild

If you switch to a mobile view, the Botanist website exercise's responsive design making — the website design is easy to navigate and still provides the consumer with the same level of information. The speed on both the desktop and mobile is excellent, making it easy to navigate through different pages without loading issues.

The content educates- 'Don't search, see.'

The education aspect is what is most interesting about this brand. The emphasis on foraging as a way of life and looking for unique ingredients to make the perfect Gin and ingenuity help distinguish the brand from its competition.

Botanist forager network

The "Join our movement" on the website connects you to a community of foragers, chefs, bartenders from all around sharing their exciting ideas and perspectives.

Join our Movement — The Botanist

The cocktail recipes on the website share notes of ingredients that one can forage in their backyard to garnish the recipes. As you scroll further on the website, you can see the summer outdoor terraces — Inviting guests to enjoy a Botanist and tonic in some gorgeous outdoor patios across the lengths of the UK in sumptuous surroundings.

Purchase or connect

The website's consistent and clear CTA is to buy the product. The side navigation scroll bar leads to the first option -"Shop online." Clicking on this seamlessly brings me to the page for exclusive botanist merchandise. But to note, the shipping cost and total cost are calculated in pounds. The currency does not change depending on the country the Gin is shipped to. I signed up for 'Join our Movement' to receive updates about the business, their stories, newsletters, etc. Given that the primary intent seems to be to tell the story and create a connection to the brand, it does not have a chatbot interface or an overtly strong push to make a purchase. It would seem that in the future if they chose an e-commerce specific site, it would make sense to include some AI-enabled features for customers to interact online.

Botanist cares

As you scroll through mid-page, you have no choice but to smile and read through! They are working to reduce the impact of their operations on the environment and improve the quality of life on the planet.

Sustainability: Botanist

From how they hand-pick locally to leave no trace packaging, they show genuine care for the world and its people. You can visualize their commitment to sustainability and exceptional quality.

Final thoughts

Trust is the most defining characteristic of this brand. Their allure is nature in its raw form and everything it has to offer. It's how the land shapes the drink. The care people of Islay have for this land of theirs creates trust in the brand, its quality, and sustainability. Their site captures all this through visuals without really needing to tell a story, but they do have a good one!

Hope you enjoyed this week's blog. If you have time, take a look at The Botanist, and leave comments on how it made you feel.

Keep watching this space for more ………



Divya Gangadharan
Marketing in the Age of Digital

M.S. Integrated Marketing Candidate at NYU. Mom to a 12 year old soccer star and 5 year old Golden Retriever. Purveyor of Fine Things.