Why Brands Are Taking AR & VR More Seriously?

Davina Zhuo
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readMay 10, 2020

Do not drive in an augmented state of reality. — Zaid Mahomedy

Virtual reality and augmented reality are becoming a hot topic in marketing world. People always relate VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) to the field of gaming and entertainment. While actually, VR and AR have been developed to meet design, marketing, education, training, and retail needs. More and more people are getting used to it and are willing to wear a headset to experience in computer-generated environments. VR and AR not only are applied in consumer products and software, but also become new way of creative advertising and digital marketing.

Image from arreverie.com

Facilitate Interactive Experience

The first time I tried VR and AR technique is when I played Beat Sabor, which has players swinging around katanas in order to slice oncoming beats to the rhythm of music. It makes me feel like I am personally in the game and holding a sword. Everything around me is so real that I am terrified about what might show up next second. It’s harder than it looks and I was having a hard time walking the day after. One big fact is that, VR workouts could be one part of your future fitness plan. Playing VR games is exhausting but exciting. During self quarantine caused by COVID-19, VR fitness games help people to have workout at home and make you sweat without going to a real gym.

Although VR games is just a small part of the whole technology magic, I can see one important thing through playing games — VR creates interactive experiences. When VR and AR are put into marketing and advertising, the technology provides branded content and allow users interaction, which far exceeds traditional forms of marketing. With AR and VR, customers have a new opportunity to become part of the experience, to interact with a brand in ways they haven’t before. VR and AR are becoming more integrated into our daily lives and marketing world.

Beat Sabor Game, Image from steampowered.com

Let Content Do The Driving

As TikTok and Instagram moments going viral, many people start using beauty filter of these apps. There’s one Instagram filter that skyrocketed to popularity: Butterfly Pretty. The Butterfly Pretty consists of three blue and green butterflies with mismatched blue and green eyes. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Dua Lipa, are using the Butterfly Pretty to take Instagram photos or moments at home during self quarantine.

Especially during self isolation, many people are feeling down, isolated, bored, and unmotivated to dress up and wear makeup. I feel that filters help elevate our mood and make us feel better about how we look without a real makeup on. Many filters can create the effect of physical makeup such as foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick, so the line becomes blurry as to what counts as “makeup.”

More and more brands are are collaborating with AR artists and playing AR magic tool for advertising and marketing. According to Vogue Magazine, Augmented reality is driving sales on top of engagement for fashion and beauty brands that are investing in the technology, either through social media platforms or on their sites. AR technique doesn’t make marketing feel like marketing. People are getting obsessed with beauty filter and are wondering what brands of makeup products are used to create this look.

Image from teenvogue.com

Explore More Products and Services

The use of virtual reality and augmented reality provide more possibilities and convenience for e-commerce. VR and AR allow customers to view products “in person” and get a 360-degree view of it before making a buying decision. I once used the Taobao Buy, an AR infused shopping platform launched by Alibaba in 2018, and dive into experience that reimagines how you shop online with an interactive experience that looks and feels futuristic, but is also easy to use. Alibaba’s new AR infused shopping app perfectly blends the real-world with 3D images for a result that looks like something straight out of big budget science fiction movie.

Broader application of VR and AR in marketing allows consumers not only to see how the products look, but also to view how they might look in your room with so many details. For example, consumers now can view how to place an 80-inch TV in their living room without it actually being there. The AR shopping experience will also give you access to information such as item specifications, customer ratings, and comments via a digital display that Alibaba hopes will reinvigorate your shopping experience. Viewing 3D models in AR creates higher conversion and increases sales.

Taobao Buy, Image from pandaily.com


I believe there are still a lot of potentials of using AR and VR. They are becoming commonplace in part because tech platforms are integrating tools that place the two techniques within reach. AR and VR not only enrich customers’ experience of the brand online, but also enhance influencer marketing by allowing creators to promote products in a more interactive way. Marketers need to pay more attention and be careful of using the trend of these techniques, taking them more seriously, and watching the future of AR and VR application in digital marketing.



Davina Zhuo
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Student, Marketing & Finance major, Learning Tools of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Stats of Marketing.