Will AI replace human services?

Jin Shang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 21, 2020

A few months ago, when I first came to the United States. I ordered the bed I use now on Amazon for the first time. Everything was perfect until I used Amazon for the second time. My account was temporarily locked due to abnormal activities. I was like what? ? ? This is my second time using Amazon! Then I went to customer service. At the beginning, it was a chatbot that received me. After I filled in the information, Amazon replied that I was asking for my bank card statement. Because I did n’t have a US bank card, I went to a manual customer service, but I still did n’t get the results I wanted. I never used Amazon again. The story sounds funny. But the critical point of this matter is that the final answer of bot and human service is entirely the same. Does that mean that ai has wholly replaced the status of artificial customer service?


With new developments in technology, including buzzwords like cognitive computing, machine learning, and VR, merging human interaction with AI is seeming to be more and more likely, the solution for managing customers needs. Our most common AI is chatbot used in various fields as company customer service. A chatbot is a software application used to conduct an online chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, instead of providing direct contact with a live human agent. Today, most chatbots are accessed online via website popups, or through virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, or messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger or WeChat.Advances in technology have enabled chatbot to communicate better with people and meet people’s needs. Many experts paint a picture of human customer service agents being replaced by the likes of chatbots and smart assistants.

Personal Thought

Based on the current situation, these worries are entirely unnecessary. At least the current artificial intelligence cannot replace real humans. From the perspective of this article, customer service mainly has two different dimensions to operate, emotional, and urgency. The current AI(chatbot) can at most meet the needs of customers for timely responses, but it is difficult to maintain direct emotional contact with customers. We are now in a fast-paced society. Many people seek to find the answers they want simply and efficiently. But many times, the difficulties they encounter cannot be solved logically. For example, the scheduled flight is canceled. This type of accident is beyond AIbot’s solution. Human agents will continue to play a central role in customer service. To some extent, the emergence of AIbot can allow customer service staff to focus on dealing with the emotional needs of customers and improve the efficiency of the entire process.

As for whether ai can evolve emotions, that is a very distant future. Now the frequent use of AI and human agents is the correct way.






Jin Shang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Current graduate student majoring in integrated marketing. Video games lover.