Wow, the Secret Weapon

Wenjing Gu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 13, 2022

Before I took the Fascinate Test, I’ve taken lots of other tests such as personality tests and I took it just for fun. Unlike other tests, I think the Fascinate test could really help me to understand myself better.

My Test Result

According to the results of the test, my archetype is “The secret Weapon”. This is a combination of my primary and secondary advantages which is mystique and innovation. This indicates that my primary advantage is the most effective mode of communication. When I communicate this advantage, I am the most fascinating and influential. My secondary Advantage describes my second-highest mode of communication. Like my primary advantage, it describes how my personality is most likely to add value. I have a creative mind and you produce agile solutions even when under high pressure. According to the report, I am creative in a non-flashy way, preferring to do my work quietly. I enjoy working independently. I don’t boast about my achievements. But I can produce great inventions, creative ideas, and new product designs. I make great contributions to the company’s performance, but do so in an unassuming manner.

Does it Feel True to Me About My Primary and Secondary Triggers?

My primary trigger is mystique and my secondary trigger is innovation. My primary trigger indicates that I am an independent, logical, and observant person. My secondary trigger indicates that I am a creative, visionary, and entrepreneurial person. I would like to say it is kind of accurate for my primary trigger. It is true that I am a person who likes to observe things or people around me. I will always care about my friends’ feelings and I will notice who is not happy or something happening around me. It is also true that I am independent. I like to finish tasks by myself instead of teamwork. This does not mean that I am a selfish person. I am also creative and I will always pop up some new ideas to solve problems. For the logical part, I think my logic of thinking and solving problems will be more careful before I decide to take actions.

However, I disagree with my secondary trigger which is entrepreneurial because I am not the person who will become entrepreneurial. I am the person who would like to help others and would like to stand behind the team to help others to become a leader of a team.

How can I use this information in the future career?

As the ‘secret weapon’, I will use my creative skills to help others in my team to solve problems with some new ideas. Also, I will think carefully before taking the actions and this will help my team members to think more instead of making hurried decisions. As I said it is inaccurate about entrepreneurship for my secondary trigger, I will stand behind the team and help my leader to operate the company. Since I know that I am a person who lacks confidence.



Wenjing Gu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Integrated Marketing, International Student