“You Are Fascinating!” Said The Millennial

You knew that already. But do you know exactly what people find fascinating about you? Let’s find out together.

Erika Vasquez
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 2, 2022


I grew up in a generation where we all think we are special, which is both a blessing and a curse. If you are not part of this generation, I am sure you have encountered a millennial before. When I learned about The Fascinate Test by Sally Hogshead, you can only imagine how excited I was to discover what made me so special in a world where individuality is advertised but not accepted.

Before taking the test, I watched Sally Hogshead’s TedTalk “How to Fascinate” (I recommend you do the same). It’s like reading the instructions before attempting to build that IKEA bookshelf. Sally Hogshead explains the “seven fascination triggers”, which reminded me a little about the Seven Mortal Sins or Seven Virtues (blame my seven years of catholic school in Colombia)

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things by Hieronymus Bosch

1. Power (Greed or Charity?)

2. Passion (Lust or Chastity?)

3. Mystique — Not too sure about this one. (Wrath or Patience?)

4. Prestige (Envy or Gratitude?)

5. Alarm (Sloth or Diligence?)

6. Vice (Gluttony or Temperance?)

7. Trust (Pride or Humility?)

I will not attempt to explain the meaning of each trigger, or how they relate to you. I will leave that to the expert, Sally Hogshead. But I did have an idea (or thought I did) on where I will fall within the list. Well, well, was I not wrong?

The Test

It starts like every other personality test, the difference with this one was that I was not applying for a job, or to grad school. I was my honest self because I wanted to know my real “Archetype.” Important to note, it only gives you four options to pick from — you either are or are not a characteristic. It was 20- 30 questions, to the point, fun, and no tricky questions. The best part is you can read and understand the results, unlike other personality tests (I’m looking at you, Myers Briggs.)

The Results

You get an “Archetype”, a “Primary Trigger”, and a “Second Trigger.” The moment of truth has arrived. The World Wide Web will now know what’s so fascinating about me (please refer to my first blog where I mention how sarcastic I am.)

Who I Am

My “archetype” is THE CATALYST, and my first trigger is Passion (acts surprised in Spanish), and my second trigger is Innovation (taken aback.) According to my results, I am social, energizing, and out-of-the-box. Words my therapist also used to describe my ADHD and borderline personality disorder.

My “How To Fascinate” Test Results

I am so happy to know that this is exactly how people see me, or should I say how I fascinate people (ha!). What excited me the most about these results was how I am going to use this information to continue building my personal brand, and how these results will help me create a career or find a company where my “Archetype” and “Triggers” are welcome and used.

For starters, I am going to draft my Anthem because at my highest value I deliver “Energizing Connection,” said Sally Hogshead. No surprise I am in Sales now.

I am dying to know WHO you are. Share below your results!

