You Only Have 9 Seconds!

haoran du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMar 4, 2023

After I watched the Ted talk of Sally Hogshead, I know that the time for some strangers to catch the attention of other people would only be 9 seconds which is short. That means people would only pay 9 seconds for you to figure out if you are attractive or not. So we only have 9 seconds to become fascinated and persuasive.

As Sally Hogshead mentioned, seven different triggers that could make you more fascinating and persuasive. Different people might have different combinations of seven different triggers due to the different characteristics of each people. The Fascinate test can indicate which trigger you have. I took the test either.

When I was taking this test, I can not tell a difference between how the world sees you and how you see the world kind of tests. But the interesting thing is that even though they are asking the same questions, this Fascinate test can provide you with a different answer from the other perspective.

Well, the result of this shows that my archetype is Mastermind, this is how the world sees me which I feel is funny. My primary trigger is Power means that I am confident, goal-oriented, and decisive. This fits me because I think this is what I am.

My secondary trigger is Mystique, which means that I am independent, logical, and observant. This fits my living style and problem-solving ways as well. So after I see the result I feel it is a great test that can show you how the world sees you.

This test result helped me a lotit let me know what I looked like in other people’s eyes, and which triggers are my advantages. I should build my brand based on those advantages. Everyone knows that we need attractive stories to show our brand, I can tell the story that fits my trigger, and make it easier and easier to attract other people’s attention within 9 seconds.

I think we all should do the test and be aware of our fascinating personalities so that we can build a brand that attracts other people within 9 seconds. This is important because if we can not attract other people’s attention, no matter how great we are, no one would notice it. So, take the test, and build your brand. Remember, you only have 9 seconds!!

