Growth Library 2.0 — Bigger, Better & More Exciting

Thomas Mercy
Marketing Innovation & Growth Hacking
3 min readOct 7, 2020

The year began with a blast! Monetary and social exercises were beginning to get steam and BOOM! Then the Coronavirus pandemic overwhelmed the world. What was a minor flu-like ailment which was disregarded, changed till it hauled the world to a condition of latency.

Organizations that weren’t well-positioned had to halt work or shut down while others that were quick enough to adapt to the new market patterns adjusted and repositioned with new strategies to avert the effect of the lockdown which the pandemic had put the world in since March 2020.

According to CNBC:

‘’The outbreak led major institutions to cut their forecasts for the global economy. One of the latest to do so is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. In a March report, the OECD said it downgraded its 2020 growth forecasts for almost all economies’’.

Marketing strategies embraced at the start of the year have been rendered ineffective and marketers will be entrusted with accomplishing more with less.

This gives a way to questions…

  • What do I need to do to expand my revenue?
  • How can I limit business spending?
  • How to keep my ROI?
  • What is our new normal?

A notable trend shown in the CMO Survey was that the marketing budget of the most firms surveyed increased as a percentage of the overall budget during the COVID period. In February 2020, respondents’ firms planned to spend 11.3% of their total budgets on marketing, on average. By June 2020, this rose to 12.6%.

You can see a similar trend when you compare marketing expenses with total revenues. Back in February 2011, marketing expenses were also 8.1% of a typical firm’s revenues. This statistic fluctuated over the next nine years, reaching a peak of 9.3% in February 2014, before falling to 7.9% in February 2018. It had risen back to 8.6% in February 2020 but skyrocketed to 11.4% by June 2020.

This clearly reflects the priorities given for marketing to retain customers and maintain brand awareness in tough times.

The positive side of this experience is that the pandemic will in the end pass and although gradually, things will go back to normal. When we get to this stage, organizations will be at the frontline for financial restoration and they will need a well organized set of marketing resources to put the businesses back on track.

This is why we introduced Growth Library 2.0 to make all the difference; Growth Library is the ultimate library of marketing resources to help you with implementing your startup marketing strategy. It is a live directory, being updated on a daily basis. Everything inside the Growth Library is a convenience of definite data to assist you in identifying your problems and filtering results to achieve your overall goal.

Here’s a quick summary of our directory:

A blend of website and social media management tools, sales automation to marketing plugins.

From copywriting legends of all time to email mastery and product launches.

From best call to action buttons to Google Ads scripts, remarketing & retargeting campaigns.

To-do’s, email-marketing techniques, and re-marketing flows.

Best marketing courses, colleges, and mentors to help develop your business.

Copywriters, SEO specialists, traffic funnel builders, and full-stack agencies.

Persona templates, funnel maps, blog templates, email templates, videos and image templates.

Best podcasts to learn about marketing and listen in to the best startup growth stories.

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Thomas Mercy
Marketing Innovation & Growth Hacking

I specialize in Digital Marketing, Product Branding, Community Management and Content Writing