About Marketing Magazine

Just learn what you need to and apply it

Marketing Magazine
3 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Welcome to the About Us section of Marketing Magazine. I’d like to take a moment to discuss what motivated me to start this publication and what readers can expect from it.

I studied marketing at a school in New Zealand. I remember when my first lecturer, Graham, started teaching us Marketing 101. I completely fell in love with marketing right from the beginning, just like I had imagined.

Now, of course, entrepreneurs are not always a big fan of schools and universities. Hierarchies block creativity and innovation — a big no-no for marketers, who have to be creative every day.

And that’s part of the reason behind starting this publication. Here, we have no exams, or assignments, or grades. Just learn what you need to and apply it.

Through one of my teachers, I learned how to create a laser-sharp target audience. Then I used that knowledge to get 2500 Instagram followers without any paid ads or influencers. But that was just the beginning.

And my favorite subject was Consumer Behavior — a mixture of psychology and marketing. I learned why people buy a product, why they don’t buy it, and how to increase the chances of them buying. I used that knowledge to generate 500K from one email.

As I kept learning and applying new marketing tactics, I started getting more and more results. Even though I finished school ages ago and have a few years of work experience as a marketer, I’m always going to have the curiosity of a student.

What You Can Expect From This Publication

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Marketing is one of those industries that are very dynamic and change constantly. What works today might not work tomorrow.

For example, back in the day, when content marketing wasn’t as saturated as it is now, you could easily get thousands of views on your blogs in a matter of weeks. Try doing that now. It probably won’t work.

But don’t worry, there are other marketing methods that do work — and that’s the whole point behind this publication. Here, you’ll read about the latest marketing trends (or old trends that still work). You’ll read about what doesn’t work and why. You’ll get access to some of the best marketing case studies, tips, and strategies.

If that sounds interesting to you, then you’ll love this publication. And if you want to contribute your articles and share some of your wisdom with others, feel free to read the Write for Us page and fill the form.

Let’s be better marketers together.

