Simon Sinek Is Wrong About Why People Buy Apple Products

I’m an Apple customer and I don’t believe in the ‘Start with Why’ theory

Mohit Saini
Marketing Magazine
4 min readSep 26, 2020


Photo by Frankie Valentine on Unsplash

So I was watching Simon Sinek’s famous ‘Start with Why’ video in which he explains why people are loyal to Apple products.

In the video he says:

“Everything we do,” they say, “We believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?”

Screenshot (YouTube)

Well, that might be the reason why some customers are diehard fans of the Apple brand.

But this whole ‘status quo’ theory is not why I buy Apple products and there are a lot of Apple customers, that I personally know, who have their own reasons behind buying iPhones and Macbooks.

Let’s discuss some of the top reasons why people love Apple products.


That’s the number one reason — period. My German backpacker friend’s travel van got broken into in New Zealand. The windows were smashed, and as we ran towards the van, the first thing we saw was some of their clothes scattered around the broken window glass.

When we checked inside the van, we found that the thieves stole everything except his Macbook. They knew that Macbooks are tough to hack and they rather went for the low-hanging fruits — the cameras, lenses, hard drives, and all the Android stuff.

Post-2018 Macbooks have the second-generation T2 chips. These chips offer a new level of security using an enclave coprocessor that facilitates the new encrypted storage and secure booting.

I don’t want to get too technical, but the bottom line is: Apple products are more secure than other brands. Everyone from content creators to government officials has heaps of intellectual property as well as confidential information stored on their laptops. God forbid, if someone’s laptop gets stolen or if they forget it in a hotel room or something, they could have strangers access all their private info.

And how hard it is to access files on a stolen Android phone? All it takes is removing the memory card, and a stranger will have access to all the dark memes and potentially some censored photos of yourself.

On another note, computer viruses are rarely an issue in Macbooks or iMacs. Yes, Macs can get infected with Malware, too. But the chances are slim.

I refuse to use windows as my primary system because of the security issues that plagued XP — Tenmilez (via Reddit)

Status Symbol

Well, not sure about the ‘status quo’ thing, but Apple products are definitely used as a status symbol.

A few years ago, I was talking to one of my coworkers. She was a nineteen-year-old university student, by the way.

During our break, she started talking about one of her recent Tinder dates with a pretty boy. “He was so cute,” she said. “I really liked him, but then…”

“Then what?” I asked.

She replied, “I don’t know what to say, Leo. Leave it.”

“Does he already have a girlfriend”? I asked.

She said, “No, it’s just that he has an Android phone and I can’t date a man who doesn’t have an iPhone.”

I was flabbergasted. Apparently, if you don’t use Macbooks or iPhones or iPads or i-Whatever, you won’t be considered cool by some teenagers. I learned a great lesson that day.

Better User Experience

The Macbook trackpad gestures simply make the whole experience so convenient — a very important feature that Windows doesn’t have. I mean you can swipe right with three fingers and access all the open tabs instantly.

This feature has personally made my life a heck of a lot easier. I am a copywriter and need to research a lot before I publish my articles. Windows OS just makes it harder to navigate across different tabs at once, in my opinion.

“My whole life, I’ve hated trackpads, and for the first time in my life, I prefer using a trackpad over a mouse for working. It’s so precise, it’s insane. I’m so happy with my purchase.” — Edinchez (via Reddit)

Closing Thoughts

Sometimes, I hate Apple because they take advantage of their market position. I mean, their accessories are unnecessarily pricey, and every time I update iOS on my iPhone, my battery life decreases like crazy. Right now, I have to charge my iPhone 6S every six hours.

If I’m lost somewhere and need to use Google Maps, my battery will probably die. If I need to make an emergency call, I’d probably have like 10 minutes — after that, I’ll need to charge my phone again.

I know, I can always upgrade my phone and getter a ‘newer’ version of the iPhone. But I’m not in a mood to spend another $1000 on an iPhone and I hate Apple for this.

But I will always buy Apple products until a better company appears in the market. Right now, for the aforementioned reasons, I only trust Apple — even though I hate the fact that their products cost so much.

