How “Corona” changes the “Old World”

This is my first blog on marketing and I can’t wait to learn more about this subject and to share my thoughts with all the people who will be following me.

I’m hoping to learn in this course how to add to my knowledge and be able to expand my horizons in the marketing field. I would like to create a wide circle of new acquantances and colleagues with whom I can communicate.

I think taking this course at this harsh time is very important because the coronavirus pandemic is changing everything — the Old World is fading away and a New World is just emerging in front of our eyes.

Tomorrow’s marketers will have to adapt to these changes and I would want to learn how to apply the knowledge that I will get during this course to a practical real world.

Recently I read this article by Neil Patel on what CoronaVirus means to the Marketing world. Please take a look:

