Introducing My New Blog! Yay!


Hello reader, welcome to my blog! I am excited to start this blog and talk about a big area of interest that I hold — marketing.

So, let us begin!

My blog is going to be the perfect stage for me to talk about the use of modern-day marketing strategy and discuss how marketing affects my life.

You are probably asking yourself why? Well, the answer is as follows.

For years, I have been interested in marketing, mostly because I am thoroughly trying to understand its power over me, and seek to master marketing strategy and use it in order to leverage myself, and my future endeavors. I truly believe that marketing is essential for every entity and must be acknowledged every step of the way.

So, after attending various marketing courses in the past few years as part of my pursuit of exploring the world of marketing, I will write a blog. In the next few months, I will share a weekly post that talks about the power of marketing and try to identify marketing techniques organizations use in order to succeed. I will try to avoid the obvious and famous stories and focus on finding interesting stories from all over the world. I will also write about questions that I find myself thinking about often and try to seek answers within the endless resources that we have nowadays.

I am extremely excited for this course during my first semester at YU, and I am certain it will be an experience I will never forget. I hope to continue blogging after this semester as it was a dream of mine for years!

See you soon again,


