Marketing Introduction

Eric Landro
Marketing Management and Strategy
3 min readSep 20, 2020
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I don’t think there’s a better way to learn about marketing than blogging about it. For me, I have always been more of a “hands-on” learner, so by sharing what I’ve learned by ultimately applying it, it’s truly going to be a rewarding experience.

Blogging has always been a huge passion of mine, and I’m expecting to learn a lot of from this course that will help me grow my passion into possibly a profession. Already in this class, I had the privilege of learning about advertising tycoon David Ogilvy. I watched the extremely informative video, which I provided for you below.

At the age of 31 (perhaps slightly older than most in the class), I knew nothing about this man, however, I was able to retain a lot of pertinent information that will be hugely beneficial in this class.

My goal in this course is to be able to take the fundamentals I have learned on my own over the years and take great strides into expanding my knowledge of digital marketing. I thoroughly enjoy these platforms, so I am aiming to utilize it as much as I can, to share useful information in a personal, expressive way.

But if there’s one thing about me that I would like you to take away from this introduction, is the importance I place both reading and writing in my everyday life. Communication is essential in being a successful marketer, so the ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas is by the written word, and the only way to excel at, is by reading.

A goal I set for myself is to read a minimum ten pages a day. It’s like lifting weights. You don’t do ten push-ups once and expect to have abs. It has to become a way of life before you can start seeing results. And, even more so, if you don’t maintain those muscles, they will eventually weaken once again. The same can be said about reading and writing.

Stephen King, who is a personal idol of mine, has tremendous insight on the importance of reading and writing:

“Good description is a learned skill, one of the prime reasons why you cannot succeed unless you read a lot and write a lot. It’s not just a question of how-to, you see; it’s also a question of how much to. Reading will help you answer how much, and only reams of writing will help you with the how. You can learn only by doing.” — Stephen King

In order to sell a product, you must describe it, and according to Mr. King, description is a learned skilled, learned through action.

So, I’m not sure if this was a good or bad introduction. But I feel like this was a good way to express what I’d like to achieve in during this course, while sharing a bit of insight on who I am and what I believe in (in regards to marketing at least). I am looking forward to contributing to this class, while learning from each of my peers and my professor.

