Communications and PR Must Be in the Board Room

Without these vital roles seated at the table, your organization is at risk.

Lisa Brown
Marketing Musings
1 min readMay 28, 2013


The major organizations of today know the value of a well-rounded organization including marketing, public relations, information technology and the myriad of essential departments. It is the smaller organizations that tend to lessen the role of public relations and communications,especially during a downturn. Without a multi-faceted communications team in place, your business could have the best product or service around, but no means to promote it. Or, even more essential is when a crisis arises, your legal team may issue hold harmless, non-compete and copyright clauses all day long, but the public will hear a company that is acting out of fear and not in the interest of its customers or the greater good. Even if a company doesn’t have the resources to hire an entire team, it should get the best pro it can afford in order to have a foundation in place and include that person in key decisions for the organization. Then when revenue increases, augment with more junior positions to round out the marcom group. It will be the best investment a company can make.

