Write For ‘Marketing Reel’

Want to contribute to this publication? Read this.

Spell Out Marketing
Marketing Reel
3 min readOct 25, 2020


The web is filled with too many “digital marketing tips”. They are cute, sound fantastic BUT are also far from actionable.

People don’t want to read. They want solutions that can be implemented immediately; they want desired outcomes for their problems.

Marketing Reel’ strives to fill that gap. It’s a Medium publication (by Spell Out Marketing) to find actionable ideas and insights that are outcome-driven. And the publication needs more brains like yours to hopefully make an even bigger impact.

PAIN POINT: Need to improve my marketing strategy and campaigns to drive better ROI.


If you can provide the solution around this pain point, we want you!

Other than this, there are no hardcore submission rules really. 🤠

Let’s run down a few things that will help you (and us):

General Information

  • We target marketers, bloggers, and SMEs in specific.
  • We don’t want unnecessarily long articles in the name of “it’s good for SEO”. We believe you can bring high value and cover insights in limited words. So, we don’t want you to write long content if it’s not necessary. RESPECT READER’S TIME! ⏱️
  • We don’t want any fluffs and BS in the content. We want more actionable resources and answers. Do share your experience and anecdote whenever needed. But we want you to NOT tip-toe around, and get straight to the point.
  • In your post, solve problems in a way that the reader can immediately leave and implement the solutions. ✍️

Here are some mandatory, boring rules and details you must know.

Submission Rules

  • We only accept unpublished drafts and original content.
  • We don’t accept posts that are solely intended to promote products/brands/personal brands.
  • We accept both short and long-form content (300–4,700 words count), as long they are outcome-driven and bring value.
  • You cannot re-publish the content published here anywhere else.
  • Do not have more than 3 stories in our submission queue at any given time.
  • You don’t have to be perfect in grammar. But please edit and proof-read thoroughly so to avoid any basic spelling and grammatical errors.

The Mandatory Clauses

  • We reserve the rights to decline your submission. (In that case, we’ll try and provide you details why we did that.)
  • We will NOT consider your submissions if you regularly remove your stories from the publication.
  • All submissions must comply with Medium’s Rules and Ad-Free Policy.
  • Submissions must comply with Partner Program stories, as well as with Medium’s Content Guidelines and Curation Guidelines.
  • Do not use copyright images. Use Medium’s built-in image gallery OR Pixabay. Provide full credit to the source of the image.

Request to Submit

New writers have to request to contribute to ‘Marketing Reel’.

Email at 👉🏼 ‘smarketingreel@gmail.com’ 👈🏼 with Subject line “I want to write for Marketing Reel”. Please include in the email…

  • Your Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Medium Username/URL
  • Your Website/Blog URL
  • A couple of lines About You

We will add you as a ‘Writer’ for the publication. After that, you would be able to easily submit new Stories to us as drafts.

How to Submit a Draft?

  1. Open the story you want to submit. Click on the Edit story to enter the edit mode.
  2. Click the button in the top-right corner of the page to open your story settings.
  3. Select Add to publication from the dropdown list.
  4. Choose the publication you intend to submit to and click Save.
  5. Your draft will not be immediately submitted to the publication. You must click the “Ready to submit?” button at the top of the page in order to send your draft to the publication for review. Once submitted, the editors of that publication will review your draft and schedule it for publishing.


Read everything?

Understood everything? 👌🏼


We can’t wait to hear from you.

Email at 👉🏼 ‘smarketingreel@gmail.com’ 👈🏼 with Subject line “I want to write for Marketing Reel”.

See you soon. 🙂 🙂



Spell Out Marketing
Marketing Reel

Find actionable ideas, insights, and tips on content marketing, SEO, and blogging. Visit www.spelloutmarketing.com 💚