5 Rules for Marketing in a 24/7 World

Rebecca Schlossberg
Marketing Right Now
4 min readDec 9, 2021

The world we live in today has vastly changed the way marketing can and should be approached. Not only do you prepare campaigns for 3 & 6 months from now, but you also need to keep your finger on the pulse and churn out marketing content that is timely and relevant. The internet and social media have made it possible for businesses and brands to connect with customers 24/7. Each and every interaction gives the brand an opportunity to gain the customers’ trust and sell their value.

Over the past two years, we have certainly seen how this is more true than ever as many brands moved most of their communication and sales abilities online! Not every brand that tried to embrace the internet and social media for their marketing was successful though; many big faux pas were made and lessons were learned.

In order to learn how to effectively market in a 24/7, always-on world, companies must be aware of the following 5 key rules:

1. Everything you say matters

All your content that you create and disseminate reflects on and forms your brand as it is perceived by consumers. In a sense, dissemination of marketing materials is like the Miranda rights: “Anything you say can and will be used” in forming people’s perceptions of you. For example, if any information about your manufacturing process gets out, then it needs to be representative of your brand’s values and goals on sustainability.

2. Everything must be meaningful

Given the ease of access that companies have to consumers — social media, websites, and mass marketing email lists — consumers are constantly inundated with information and are forced to filter out whatever does not clearly and immediately provide them value. In order to maintain a strong social media presence and to prevent people from unsubscribing from email blasts, companies must ensure that whatever they share by whatever means is of interest and value to those who see it. Every piece of information, from each tweet, post, and email, needs to speak and connect directly to consumers.

3. Small mistakes can have big consequences

Brands need to have someone who is responsible for PR issues who is on call 24/7 as an issue can blow up on social media within hours and can reflect on the brand poorly if they don’t respond in the expected time frame.

4. Siding with one means alienating another

It is very important for brands to decide where they will stand on social and political issues and stand strong and consistent with those values and morals. They also need to decide if they want to have a stance at all or if it is more beneficial to them to stay out of controversy. It can be harmful and alienating if brands choose one specific side of the spectrum or another, so if a brand chooses to do so they must do this with the understanding that they might lose out on a large percentage of their customer base. However, having a stance might be important to the brand's values and so might be worth it in the end, despite the losses they may incur.

5. Need for quick Customer Service

Customer service needs to be available 24/7. If a customer is trying to place an order and has an issue with the website or if a customer receives the wrong order, they will need a place to turn. Today, most companies use AI bots to offer automated chats to customers. Additionally, many companies use social media to respond to consumer complaints and suggestions.

