5 Things to Know About Marketing in a 24/7 World

Smit Pujara
Marketing Right Now
3 min readMay 10, 2021

The Internet has made it possible for businesses to stay open 24/7, even in a Global Pandemic! If the Covid 19 Pandemic happened in a world without internet, businesses would be suffering huge losses. Most businesses can stay open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the help of the internet. As consumers, we can go on our iPhones at any time to buy anything, or just window shop “online” at the comfort of our home.

However, the 24/7 world has made marketing way different than it used to be. Before, marketers’ job was to bring consumers to the store and let the customer service representative do their job. Now, marketers have to reach new audiences, engage with them, convince them to buy online, find new ways to reach an audience and provide stellar online customer service 24/7. In the always online world, marketers need to know these five things:

Newsjacking Opportunities

Just like your business, news is breaking 24/7! With the help of the internet the life of a new story has become extremely short because of fast communication. Businesses can take advantage of great Newsjacking opportunities like Oreo’s super bowl newsjacking which resulted in thousands of shares and a lot of engagement from consumers. According to Yellowpipe, Newsjacking improves brand recognition, brings in new audiences, and it’s very cost effective. Living in a world of 24/7, Newsjacking is an important strategy for any business and has a great potential to grow your brand.

Businesses Open 24/7

Unlike the brick and mortar times, e-commerce has opened a new opportunity for businesses to stay open 24/7. The stores may not be physically open 24/7 but consumers can access a website or an app anywhere at any time. According to the Telegraph, the younger generation demand instant gratification and immediate access to whatever they desire. This constant need for immediate access to products and services had made it difficult for businesses to operate. Having an online business means there is a need for constant monitoring of the website, user data, and customer service all day and night. Marketers have to schedule their campaigns at the time most convenient for consumers which could be 2am at night. On the bright side, having an online business means you have more opportunities to acquire a way larger audience. According to digital commerce 360, the e-commerce in just us grew by 44% in 2020. If you’re one of the businesses which is open 24/7 online, you have to make sure your marketing strategies align with your consumer behavior.

Need for Customer Service

Technological advancements in the field of Augmented Reality has allowed for businesses to create automated customer service representatives. This is one of the many outcomes of businesses being open 24/7. Customers expect you to be accessible at any time and they want their questions answered as soon as possible. According to superoffice the most important aspect of customer experience is Fast Response time. Having a 24/7 online business means if you want to provide great customer service, you must have a great customer experience and respond to customer queries as quickly as possible.

Word Travels Overnight

We all know how words travel from San Francisco to Sydney in seconds! Same goes for your businesses. There are times when your business website may get visitors from the most random place on earth because you posted something on social media or it just came as a search result on Google. This fast communication can be both good and bad. If you leverage it to your advantage to communicate your message across the world, it can bring your online business a lot of new audience. However, all the negative stories of your brand will also travel over the world overnight and this is why it’s important to scrutinize your marketing messages.

More Customers Means More Scrutiny

As more people know your brand, there will always be someone who will not be a big fan of your brand and might start leaving bad reviews or negative comments about your brand. As businesses grow online and your brand starts getting more customers, you must be prepared for any and all scrutiny and having a strategy prepared for these situations will help your brand grow out of all the scrutiny.

