AI, let consumers become partners of Netflix

Marketing Right Now
3 min readMar 5, 2021

Many people will have similar feelings to me. When people select science fiction novels in online bookstores, many novels of the same type will appear on the page and remind us that the person who bought that book also bought some other books.” Or when we select other products such as hats online, The image links of the hats of the same style also appear on the page at the same time. At this time, do you feel that you are already in the grasp of a certain algorithm?

One of the most interesting applications of Artificial Intelligence is Netflix Recommendation System. Netflix has made a lot of efforts in using AI technology to enhance marketing and has also achieved impressive results. Netflix is able to use sophisticated algorithms to recommend the right content tailored to each of its users, resulting in an optimal brand experience.

Some search and recommendation engines use only historical data on what you’ve bought in the past to determine what products you might be wanting today. Netflix deeply understands this truth, and it also values its importance for marketing. Therefore, Netflix strives to provide products with more precise placement in marketing through AI. What truly makes Netflix stand out is its unmatched recommendation system, which utilizes AI capabilities along with human supervision to dramatically improve the brand’s product offering and the user experience.

It solves a Clustering Problem per each user by building a subset of people with the same tastes based on their actions and preferences. It also solves a Classification Problem per each user by suggesting content that other people with a similar watching history likes.

In fact, Netflix does more than that. And it’s beyond people’s imagination. At the same time, we have to admit that they did a great job. According to the data, on the platform, 75% viewer activity is based on these suggestions.

Yes, AI understands you better and even based on your search preferences, it will better meet your subconscious needs. However, behind the algorithm, people are only the target targeted by the brand without knowing it. When people browse shopping websites, they rely on the convenience provided by AI on the one hand, while resisting the additional purchasing needs that AI implants in people.

But what’s interesting is that Netflix’s customers are keener to embrace algorithms and enjoy product recommendations provided by AI. This is exactly where Netflix has succeeded, and of course, this is also inseparable from some psychological factors. Usually watching TV series is a kind of relaxation behavior in a casual state. People in a relaxed state feel that they should give themselves some rewards, but they tend to ignore the negative part. This is also the reason for Netflix’s success when it uses AI to recommend products.

All in all, human beings living in the technological age cannot avoid AI’s intervention in our lives. Therefore, enjoy the more quality services that AI brings to mankind, and maintain independent judgment. Even Netflix needs professionals to provide products with labels that AI cannot provide. In other words, AI technology, without a human touch, is not whole. So, even if you don’t want to embrace AI, you don’t need to resist it. Enjoy the age of technology. Enjoy the new era of mankind.

