Anddd, I’ll take that, and… and that too!

Christian Pemberton
Marketing Right Now
3 min readNov 25, 2019

IKEA's Augmented Reality Saves Relationships, but Empties Bank Accounts

IKEA. This simple little word, complied of only three syllables has destroyed friendships and marriages.

You know the struggle.

It’s all great at first. Let’s say you and your partner walk into IKEA and roam around, bewildered at all the trendy, shiny furniture. Ya’ll then take a break to stuff yourselves silly with Swedish meatballs. After another thirty minutes or so, the two of you leave with happy stomachs and a full car trunk.

But guess what…you two were too full to realize that the selected dresser was too big for your bedroom wall…. and… you learn, that, that cute night stand you got…reads more like a foot stool, once assembled.

Yep..that’s how the cookie would crumble…that is.. if no one used the Augmented Reality App, called PLACE.

I am saying, IKEA is a master of AR technology. PLACE lets users see furniture…already assembled in their home…from the comfort…OF THEIR HOME. No need to fiddle with measurement sticks or walk around for hours.

Okay, okay…you got me. All you need for the app is..a smart phone with a camera….and a couple eyeballs and fingers. NO gas money wasted, NO relationships ended!

Now…it is time to address the shameful questions….

As a IKEA lover has PLACE increased my loyalty…Has it influenced my shopping patterns???

Yesss…..I will be honest….this app has weaseled my money and total compliance out of me…In the past three months, I’ve bought two futons to stretch out on, despite the fact i am only 5'2! In all honesty, a couple newspapers would have done the trick.

Take a break from judging me, to look at this video, demoing the app!

Oh, now that I think of it, there is one catch…the app doesn’t pop those precious meatballs out of your camera lens.

But if your not too mad, here’s a recipe!

