Aww Gee Thanks, Netflix

Christian Pemberton
Marketing Right Now
3 min readOct 21, 2019

The perfect blend of artificial intelligence with the magic, human touch.

Netflix is a company, built on the concepts of user friendliness, convenience, and pure captivation. Don’t feel the same way? Well how about I use your login, to check your household’s screen-time usage???

Well I am! Turns out, every option, category, and message you see from Netflix is carefully crafted by their Artificial Intelligence engineering system.

Through the extraction of implicit and explicit user data, Netflix is able to effectively pinpoint consumer behavior. In return they use this information to market tailored shows, which they known you’ll love, right to you, like a present.

BUT! They don’t stop there. Let’s say, your family and friends love reality shows. One of the reality shows you guys watch get’s worse and worse, as each episode goes by and eventually you ALL stop watching it.

Question Time: Will ya’ll have constantly scroll by this annoyinggggg show in your Netflix recommendations?

NOPE! How you ask? Artificial intelligence, alone, couldn’t possibly recognize how the much show is hated on wide basis.

They employ freelancers, who specifically tag each, individual content based on their popularity, relevancy and success. This way, you get what you want, the way you wanted, when you want it.

Don’t take it from me read this neat article on Lab

And before you go sleep tonight, send good thoughts to those freelancers, those HEROES, doing the painstaking job, for our glorious binges!

