Fake Accounts Invalidate Data!

Smit Pujara
Marketing Right Now
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

One of the main goals of Digital Marketers is to grow social media following. However, if the followers are fake, it may not go in our favor. As Neil Patel would say Fake Accounts don’t “engage” with your content and thus contributes to bring down the engagement rate. Furthermore, fake accounts will also contribute in lowering your conversion rates. One of the newest concerns of Fake Accounts is the fear of Fake News. According to IEEE Spectrum, 25% of fake news regarding Covid-19 comes from bots created by softwares.

In 2019 alone, Facebook removed 2.2 Billion fake accounts from their platform. As a Marketer, we should try to avoid fake accounts as much as possible.These fake accounts may help increase your brand’s social media following, but they do more harm than good. The fake accounts do not interact with any of your content which decreases your engagement rate. Social Media Platforms algorithms are created to advance content that has a higher engagement rate. Certain social media platforms also ban some accounts with too many fake followers. If your brand is also investing in Paid Social Media Ads, these fake accounts will waste your money on ads because they’ll contribute to the fake data.

Check out this video below to understand how fake accounts burn your marketing dollars.

Second, these fake accounts will spread false information regarding your business, or give you fake likes and comments, either positive or negative which will give you inaccurate data about your audience. They may even tarnish your reputation and damage your credibility.

All that data generated by fake accounts is anything but accurate. However, when you get data for your brand, it doesn’t exclude the fake accounts and this makes your data inaccurate representation of your real life audience. Data already has a lot of veracity, and having this uncertainty of fake data will make it more inaccurate and affect decision making when creating marketing campaigns.

