From real-time to any time: 5 rules for marketing in a 24/7 world

Marketing Right Now
4 min readApr 22, 2022

The internet has vastly changed the way that consumers engage with brands. The widespread use of the internet and social media has allowed businesses to connect with their audience online, 24/7. With each and every interaction, brands are given the opportunity to earn trust and build relationships with customers, all while convincing them of their value.

But, with the opportunity of marketing in a 24/7, always-on world comes risks that can and should be mitigated by following 5 key rules:

1. Personalization matters

The increased ease of access that brands have to consumers through the internet on social media, online ads, and email marketing has resulted in an era where consumers are constantly bombarded with information and are obliged to filter any content that is irrelevant or does not provide immediate value.

By providing relevant, valuable content, consumers receive a personalized experience that speaks directly to them and captures their attention in a sea of marketing content. In fact, 71% of consumers expect brands to take their preferences into account and deliver personalized interactions, while 76% become frustrated when this doesn’t happen. Through personalized marketing and knowing your audience to create content that is specific, relevant, and engaging, brands can stand out as one that provides value.

2. Be sharp with your message

The world has access to your brand’s digital footprint, the traces of all your business activity online. It’s the expression of your brand including everything you, as well as others, have said about the brand anywhere on the internet. A brand’s digital footprint is its online reputation and needs to be prioritized through consistent maintenance.

The moment something is posted, the entire world has access to it and as information spreads quickly, negative messages have the potential to go viral and reach a vast audience. A brand’s message needs to be sharp on all platforms, publicly and privately, with the expectation that anyone could see that message and it may inform people’s perceptions of you.

3. Small mistakes can have large consequences

The continued rise of social media and being a platform where consumers spend hours of their day, has made it a powerful marketing tool. But, if used in an inappropriate way, it can have a negative impact on a business by tarnishing a reputation that took decades to build, within seconds. On average, companies can expect to lose approximately $4.3 million in global sales due to social media blunders.

Before posting online, brands must remain vigilant and aware that customers complaints have the potential to reach millions of people around the world via social media and small mistakes can result in big consequences. Brands should designate a team who are responsible for addressing any PR issues at all hours of the day as not responding in a timely manner can reflect poorly on the brand. It’s equally important for brands to own up to their mistakes because if you apologize sincerely, people are more likely to forgive you.

4. Be available when customers need you

We live in a world where customers want and expect to receive service from brands 24/7. According to recent polls, 51% of consumers believe that businesses should be contactable at any time, and with the rise of online shopping, that number is steadily increasing. By offering round-the-clock support, companies provide a more convenient service for customers and are constantly available to meet customer expectations.

To provide 24/7 service and meet customer satisfaction, chatbots will be necessary. With the ability to answer questions and address concerns in real-time, companies will build customer retention and increase sales. Studies have revealed that 92% of consumers reported being most satisfied with chatbots versus any other form of business communication so investing in this technology is paramount to keep your business growing successfully.

5. Monitor your social media

The widespread adoption of social media has led to brands no longer controlling the conversation, especially those that happen between consumers when someone solicits an opinion or writes a review. Since social is always on, brands need to constantly monitor their social media for suggestions, complaints, or questions and be aware of conversations that are happening that involve the brand. Companies should avoid deleting or ignoring negative comments and acknowledge any problems professionally with an apology. Responding quickly to questions and complaints will help maintain customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

