How to Succeed 24/7 in Marketing

Tamar Begun
Marketing Right Now
3 min readApr 22, 2022

In the digital world, “business hours” no longer exist, because customers expect to engage with a brand 24/7. Whether that engagement comes in the form of accessing website information, Chabot interactions, or social media channels, today’s customer expects business to always be “open”. In order to meet consumers demanding needs, there are five important things to know in order to master marketing in a 24/7, always- on world.

1. Prioritize the Individual Customer Journey

In a 24/7 always- on world, customers are constantly engaged. Not only do customers look for personalized experiences, rather they now demand it. Always- on marketing is centered around the personalized customer journey and focuses on the dynamic personalization element that today’s customer looks for in a brand. The effort to continue providing improved personalized experiences should be the forefront of the brand’s mission.

2. Innovation, Data, & Human Insight

Using automation allows brands to personalize marketing content in new ways that creates interactive touchpoints between user and brand at every step in the customer journey. Innovation and data driven decisions are a critical component to enabling communication with the target audience quickly, efficiently, and maybe most importantly; 24/7. However, when discussing the importance of data, the most important element is the reliance on both big and thick data. In her Ted Talk, Trisha Wang states that no matter how much big data is gathered, it is meaningless without human insight. Despite the need for data driven decisions and brand innovation, human cognition will always play a critical role.

3. The Importance of a Minimum Viable Audience

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just because consumers are engaged 24/7 in the marketing world, does not mean a brand should exhaust its efforts trying to please every type of consumer that exists. Rather keep in mind Seth Godin’s theory of a minimum viable audience. We usually have the perception that we need to reach thousands or millions of people to have a profitable business. But in reality, Godin states that success is about targeting the people who will particularly benefit from the brands mission, and catering exactly to their needs, rather than marketing to the masses.

4. Customer Retention

In the modern digital world, with fleeting loyalties and diminishing attention span, engaging with customers post- purchase is essential in achieving customer retention. Building an enduring and long- lasting relationship with customers is especially important in a fast- changing digital environment, where acquiring customers is becoming more challenging.

5. Real- Time Customer Engagement

Lastly, and arguably the most important thing about marketing in an always- on environment is understanding the importance of real time customer engagement. When customers are engaged 24/7, real- time feedback offers brands a tool to continuously build rapport with their consumers in the moment. Real- time feedback leads to customer loyalty, an overall superior customer experience, and the ability for brands to prevent a crisis before social media takes it viral. Consumers are flooded with competition and content in nearly every industry, and customer attentions spans are continuing to shrink. Real- time engagement increases marketing efficiency, builds trust, and creates a competitive advantage in a world where customers are always on.

