Innovative Godin Method vs Traditional Kerin Method

Karen(Yitong) He
Marketing Right Now
2 min readOct 11, 2021
Picture from CEO Today.

Two marketing experts Seth Godin and Roger Kerin have their own unique and effective approaches. Kerin is known for its traditional 4P methods which have worked very well for a lot of large corporations and with more standardization. However, Seth Godin has the opposite, in which his method caters more to customer needs and adjusts strategies accordingly; nothing is set in stone because everything is changing constantly. They both have their own benefits and I believe that two methods can be used depending on the type of situations and needs.

For example, Kerin’s traditional method would be more beneficial to a more complex company and it requires more structure. In a large corporation, changes can’t be made easily and it can cause negative ripple effects if not done correctly. Because all changes happen should be made standard to avoid confusion. In addition, Kerin’s method would be good for long term strategic planning and set a long-term goal for the company which leads people in the right direction. Godin’s approach wouldn’t work so well in a grant setting.

However, Godin’s approach would be a good method for a smaller team within a company or a small company where changes can be made accordingly and more flexible. Being able to know your target customer and emphasize with them makes a huge difference. Customer behaviours are constantly changing and it is important to catch up and learn from your customers and improve before they leave you. We see many different ads every day, and there are still a good amount of out-dated advertisements which include mail promotion and younger people will probably never use them. Companies like that fail to change their marketing strategy and result in wasting millions of dollars printing out useless marketing materials hoping people will still buy it.

Putting out your advertisement on Instagram or Tiktok have become the two major platforms to influence online retails. A good amount of companies are catching up to that trend and are relocating/adjusting their marketing strategy to focus on online marketing rather than mail-in method to max out their investment and return.

Personally, as the world and trends are constantly changing, traditional methods are hard to catch up and adapt. Godin’s approach is better used in an unstable environment which allows marketers to better adjust based on their customer needs.



Karen(Yitong) He
Marketing Right Now

Biotech sales professional now back to grad school and sharing my experience.