Learning is a lifelong process for every Marketer.

Krutish Shah
Marketing Right Now
3 min readMay 3, 2022

In today’s competitive business environment, change is an unavoidable reality. This is especially true in marketing, where the rate of change is always expanding because of the advancement in technologies. For example, 10 years marketing is limited to only traditional media channels like TV, Radio, newspapers, hoardings but now the pendulum swung in another way as people are moving towards the web 3.0 and we all want to stay connected with the world 24/7 which makes a good opportunity for marketers to reach their ideal customers with the accurate target audience.

How my perception changed for Marketing over this semester!

My journey in marketing began when I was unable to run my business online, and from that day forward, I decided to dive in. Like any newcomer, my initial impression of marketing was that we were spending money on platforms to target audiences and generate leads, but over the course of the semester, I realized that marketing is not a tool to promote a product, but rather a step-by-step strategy to achieve business objectives. I understand from Seth Godin’s theory for running a successful brand we need to create a story that can help a brand to build trust, Godin’s works also provide a road map that isn’t quite like the traditional path. In which he states that marketing is not a war. From the concept of people like us, I learned that People’s actions are always influenced by their internal stories. Our need to fit in and our perception of social standing drive us to alter our behavior in order to fit into the smallest viable market.

Future Challenges as marketer….

Managing Engaging Content is the biggest challenge that I think marketers will face in the future as more organizations are learning to offer customized products and designs as a result of big data, social media, and flexible production. A rising number of sectors are adopting this practice. This can make our job difficult because we can’t create a personalized plan for each individual. But there’s a chance we’ll be able to accomplish it in web3.0, as technology advances and Algorithms play an increasingly important role in delivering the greatest outcomes for our campaign. Apart from this, another challenge is following the algorithms on different platforms, Search engines like google is having a lot of for a single service but to stay on top we keep need to update ourselves with their algorithms. To compete, we need to pay close attention to the latest features, rules, and algorithms released by the search engine giant.

Final Words

If you want to be successful in the marketing industry in the future, you must be super cautious to target the correct people, grow your brand, and keep up with the latest Google and social media improvements.

