Marketing 101 for the 21st Century

Tomer Mendler
Marketing Right Now
2 min readApr 30, 2022

Marketing is important, we all know that. The difference between barely finishing the month to making a good income often lies on how well consumers are aware of your brand as well as the contents and platforms that are used to promote it.

The first lesson to realize, is that your audience is online. According to WebFX, “ 4.2 billion people are on the Internet, it’s a great opportunity for you to reach leads that are looking for your business”. The power that lies online has a great impact on businesses communicate with their consumers and the other way around.

The next lesson, is the importance of marketing analytics. It goes without that in order to better understand your audience, we must monitor and adjust our strategies so we can increase traffic and grow retention. As Andrei Zinkevich mentioned in his article, “The same like in our lives, we must set clear goals for our marketing campaigns, plan the steps how we’ll achieve them and control the results every day”.

Another important lesson to consider in today’s increasing competitive market to have a distinguished UPS (unique selling proposition). If we aren’t certain on what we are doing differently, how can we advertise it and expect our target market to — your prospect won’t see any difference between your services and competitors.

The fourth lesson speaks about where your brand is being present. As mentioned earlier, your audience is online. However, it is up to us to see where is our target market spends its time on the internet. For example, if we are a manufacturer that sells kids’ clothing, we need to consider who buys it for them? their moms perhaps? where can we find them more active — Facebook?

Finally, the fifth important lesson I want to get across is the value of personalized email strategy and personalization in general. The truth is that people like to feel special. They enjoy purchasing item or services that they connect with on a personal level. Although it is impossible for a large brand to personalize each consumer his or her own unique product, alternating the message could encourage diverse emotional attachment to similar products. Moreover, as mentioned on Chron, “As reported by the Data and Marketing Association in 2019, organizations earn an average of $42 on every $1 they spend on email marketing”. These numbers are great insight to understand the value of personalization.

