Marketing: 24/7, Always-On World

Rishabh Nautiyal
Marketing Right Now
4 min readDec 20, 2021

We live in a world where customers want and expect to receive tailored, personalized service from brands 24/7. No matter where they are in the world, polls show that 75% of smartphone users expect immediate information whenever they open a new tab, and 51% believe that businesses should be contactable at any time, from any place.

Before your business begins its marketing strategy, it’s important to do a little research first. You want to make sure that anything you invest in has a specific outline, goal, and anticipated ROI. These are the 5 most important things new clients should know about marketing.

  1. It’s not only about selling when it comes to marketing:

• Identifying who the consumer is and under-recognizing the customer categories are only a few of the tasks.

• Recognizing consumer requirements and developing the suitable product

• Determining what pricing strategy to use

• Creating a link between the distribution channels and the customer.

Establishing an effective communication plan that communicates the product’s value to customers

2. Define your target audience

Whether you’re starting a new campaign or simply set up your email, you need to know who your target audience is. You don’t want to waste time, money, or effort contacting people who aren’t likely to become customers. If you work in health care, create a clear picture of your ideal patient. Then utilize this as the foundation for all of your marketing efforts. Specify their gender, age, hobbies, location, education, and other characteristics. When you identify your target audience, you’ll have a greater success rate, more conversions, and a larger return on investment.

3. Care about what your customers care about

Why should customers be interested in your services or products? What issue do they want to tackle by partnering with your company? Consider what matters to your consumers when they come to you. Then start taking care of it. Don’t just sell to customers; spend time learning about their needs and offering a solution that your competitors don’t. This will set your marketing apart.

4. Giving importance to the 7Ps and 4Cs

Marketing was always deemed as a product-oriented approach. Marketers often rely on the Classic 7 Ps. The 7Ps which define how you can connect a product with the customer are:

· Product

· Placement

· Price

· Promotion

· Physical Space

· People

· Process

You must give emphasis on these elements, but there are 4 other factors to consider. The shift from product to customer happens mainly because of 4Cs.

The 4Cs of marketing are:

· Customer

· Cost

· Communication

· Convenience

Communicate the right message to the right consumer. Ensure that the way is not only convenient but cost-efficient too.

5. Always improve your product:

Jay Conrad Levinson once said:

“Marketing is a waste of time and money if you are going to offer the customers a poor-quality product or service. Because in that case, the better your marketing is, the more people will know that you are selling rubbish, the sooner it will happen — and the sooner your firm will be ruined ”.

And this is one of the main mistakes many companies make. Even the best marketing won’t save a bad product.

So always work on product improvements:

  • Survey your customers,
  • Benchmarking,
  • Brainstorming on how to simplify the life of your customers with your product.

Even if your company is a market leader, don’t stop the product improvement process.

In conclusion, it takes a lot of commitment to come up with marketing ideas, stay up with the newest news, and create engaging content. It’s not a simple task, but adhering to some of the following practices might assist new clients in learning critical marketing fundamentals.



Rishabh Nautiyal
Marketing Right Now

| Biotech Grad Student | |Looking forward to working in Sales|