Marketing is 24/7…Be careful what you wish for!

Rivka Szafranski
Marketing Right Now
3 min readDec 10, 2021
  1. Timing is everything- In a world that is changing more rapidly than ever before, timing is everything. That means the timing of a post, or a reply, or even a social media “like” can say so much more about your brand, than the product even does. What this also means is that you have to be on ALL the time. You have to be ready to respond to messages at 4am when something is going on, and you have to reply to comments on vacation with your family, because if not, the brand messaging might be completely thrown off. If your brand message is off, your sales will drop and your company will be looking to you to see what went wrong.

2. Everything goes EVERYWHERE- In this day and age, almost nothing is private anymore. The moment you post one thing, or even send a direct message to one person, the entire world has access to it. This means, that your messaging has to be even sharper than it was in the past because you never know where your words will end up. If a customer support specialist has one bad day, and one client tweets about it, that could lead to a downward spiral for the entire company. So remember, the next time you post something online, you have to expect your words will be read by your kid, your boss, and the president of the United States.

3. Research, research, research!- In order to be successful in any marketing campaign nowadays, you must fully understand all stakeholders for your product. This must be initiated with a tremendous amount of research so that you can effectively market your product to the right people in the right way. Without proper research, you will not be equipped to show your product in the appropriate light to the appropriate audience.

4. Big Data is not all data!- Rich data can go a lot further sometimes. Big data can give you information about millions of people very quickly. But it doesn’t necessarily tell you their STORY. It doesn’t tell you why it draws them to one product or another or how they feel about certain things. This is why THICK data is so important as well. You need to know feeling and emotions associated with customers and products in order to effectively market your product to them.

5. You got to believe it!- We live in a crazy world with millions of products and even more people trying to sell you something. If you want to sell it well, you need to really believe in it. You need to understand and truly think that your product is better than anything else out there and that your product can change someone’s life.

