My Journey Back After Being Lost On The Marketing Sea

Abagail Berkowitz
Marketing Right Now
2 min readJan 24, 2022

When I hear the word “blog,” I am transported back to the summer of 2015. During this time, I attended summer school — why I went is a story for another time. That fateful summer, I was able to take a class about blogging, in which we were able to write on a topic of our choice. My topic was baking. My blog’s name was “Let Them Eat Cake and Frosting,” and in the end, I only shared about 4 posts; one included a recipe with badly lit photographs of a cake baking process. My takeaway from this course was the importance of letting your personality and opinions shine through, while also leaving room for discussion. At the age of 16, I wasn’t truly able to appreciate the art and talent it takes to create a truly interesting blog.

So, when I heard that we would be making our own blogs, I found the idea to be daunting due to my past experience. But over time, I came to the realization of how great of an opportunity it could be for a student of marketing. With this blogging experience, I want to learn how to hone my skills of writing to create interest — while being clear and concise.

In my undergrad program at Yeshiva University, I started my journey of studying marketing. My eyes were opened to the endless possibilities that the industry offers. But I also began to feel overwhelmed and questioned where I would find my place; this continued throughout my college experience. The Katz School was the perfect opportunity for me to not only learn more, but also give me clarity into where my interests truly lie.

From my experience thus far, I have come to the conclusion that the marketing industry is continuously evolving. This development gives us the ability to pinpoint what changes are being made and if the impact is positive or negative. I am excited to continue expanding my knowledge of marketing throughout this semester, while also carrying on with my journey of finding my place within the industry. I look forward to being enlightened by my fellow classmates and having discussions on this new and exciting platform!

